但是,当我导出它时,有些像素变窄了,有些变宽了。基本上有一些南北向的长度,其像素宽度为22米,而不是30米。 原始代码链接:https://code.earthengine.google.com/3ecceca28e81cc3d0c304281f08b4619 原始代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // Define study site geometry:varbox=ee.Geometry.Rectangle(14.91081234991...
您可能需要更新浏览器或使用其他浏览器。如需更多信息,请参阅系统要求。Chrome 是不错的选择,如果您尚未安装,可以在此处下载。 不过,如果您喜欢尝试新鲜事物,可以选择以下某个选项以试用 Google 地球。 Launch Wasm Multiple ThreadedLaunch Wasm Single Threaded 详细了解 Google 地球。
As a last resort, if Google Earth desktop is not working, you can always use Google Earth online. If you’re going to use the same account, you will have all the settings in place. Of course, this problem can also be from the connection. In that case, you should read abouthow to ...
In case any image has not streamed completely in Google Earth Pro, you might see a message saying, “Won’t have high-resolution imagery for that area.” Here’s how you can fix it: Verify that you’re not blocking the imagery with an overlay – turn off layers in yourPlacespanel and...
Last Update date :Dec 14. 2024 How to Not being able to download an app from the Google Play Store or it shows some random error message? This is probably the most common problem faced by Android users getting stuck with the 'downloading' or 'pending' message. Yet not to worry, here ...
Google Earth Engine——GEE中无法实现的三个数据集此数据集提供了对热带地区高分辨率卫星监测的访问,主要目的是减少和扭转热带森林的损失,促进应对气候变化,保护生物多样性,促进森林再生 以下三个数据集目前无法找到,可能是因为GEE已经将其删除,或者更新之后没有改集合名称:...
However, after trying different resolution, I found out the the values became smaller instead. As the image shown below: I used Google Earth Engine to aggregate the pixel and calculate it. This is the link to the script (https://code.earthengine.google.com/f9f5049c6ab71beaa9fb18f4881c...
针对此问题,研究提出了一种基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)云平台和遥感指数的潮间带信息提取方法。该方法利用2021年的Landsat8时序影像数据,在最大光谱指数合成算法(maximum spectral index composite,MSIC)和大津算法(OTSU)形成多层自动决策树分类模型的基础之上,构建基于融合数字高程模型(digital elevation model,DEM)数据...
China’s threat to cut off US access to rare-earth minerals points to a potential bifurcation in commodities markets as well. The trend is clear: As China’s economic and geopolitical power grows, countries within China’s sphere of influence will feel increasing pressure to integrate their econ...
Google Earth Engine(地物分类统计) 本期我们就讲一下利用GEE对遥感影像进行分类后,如何对地物类型进行统计。 本次我们还是采用MODIS官方的地物分类产品(MCD12Q1.006),空间分辨率为500m,时间分辨率为一年。这个MODIS产品中含有多个地物分类的产品。 我们选用其中一种产品,波段为LC_Type1,GEE对它的描述为:Annual Intern...