简介:Google Earth Engine——干旱指数(KBDI)是一个连续的参考量表,用于估计土壤和煤层的干燥程度。该指数在没有下雨的每一天都会增加(增加的数量取决于每日的最高温度) Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous referencescalefor estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index inc...
projects_planet-nicfi_assets_basemaps_asia This image collection provides access to high-resolution satellite monitoring of the tropics for the primary purpose of reducing and reversing the loss of tropical forests, contributing to combating climate change, conserving biodiversity, contributing to forest ...
Google Earth Engine——干旱指数(KBDI)是一个连续的参考量表,用于估计土壤和煤层的干燥程度。该指数在没有下雨的每一天都会增加(增加的数量取决于每日的最高温度) Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) is a continuous reference scale for estimating the dryness of the soil and duff layers. The index increa...
Turning off 3D buildings may show newer imagery and increase overall performance of Google Earth. 關閉3D 建築物以後,您就能看到更新的圖像,Google 地球的整體效能也會有所提升。 support.google Google Earth high-resolution imagery shows about 50 small propeller planes and a few helicopters. 瓦西科...
Google Earth Engine——GEE中无法实现的三个数据集此数据集提供了对热带地区高分辨率卫星监测的访问,主要目的是减少和扭转热带森林的损失,促进应对气候变化,保护生物多样性,促进森林再生,以下三个数据集目前无法找到,可能是因为GEE已经将其删除,或者更新之后没有改
The view above is as close as Google Maps lets you zoom into the action. Google Earth, on the other hand, lets you continue zooming almost to ground level. Not only does Google Earth provide higher resolution satellite imagery at a much higher zoom rate, but it also lets you swivel the...
(MGCI) using earth engineMountain systems account for 24% of global land (Kapos et al., 2000). These systems are also ecological fragile. Thus, mountain ecosystem monitoring is of great importance for conservation (Bian et al., 2020).MGCI at 0.5km resolution was retrieved which is ...
High-resolution multi-temporal mapping of global urban land using Landsat images based on the Google Earth Engine Platform. Remote Sens. Environ. 2018, 209, 227–239. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Liu, Q.; Huang, C.; Li, H. Quality Assessment by Region and Land Cover of Sharpening ...
The continuous increase in the volume of geospatial data has led to the creation of storage tools and the cloud to process data. Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud-based platform that facilitates geoprocessing, making it a tool of great interest to the academic and research world. This art...
Google Earth Engine——NASA-USDA增强型SMAP全球土壤水分数据以10公里的空间分辨率提供全球的土壤水分信息。包括:地表和地下土壤湿度(毫米)和异常,土壤湿度剖面(%) The NASA-USDA Enhanced SMAP Global soil moisture data provides soil moisture information across the globe at 10-km spatial resolution. This ...