原始代码链接:https://code.earthengine.google.com/3ecceca28e81cc3d0c304281f08b4619 原始代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // Define study site geometry:varbox=ee.Geometry.Rectangle(14.91081234991633,68.28371077192794,14.965572329164377,68.30250393637535);Map.centerObject(box);// Filter image collection by tim...
Determines displacements required to register an image to a reference image while allowing local, rubber sheet deformations. Displacements are computed in the CRS of the reference image, at a scale dictated by the lowest resolution of the following three projections: input image projection, reference ...
Google Earth Engine——250米分辨率下6个标准深度(0、10、30、60、100和200厘米)的粘土含量(%)(kg/kg)。 Clay content in % (kg / kg) at 6 standard depths (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 cm) at 250 m resolution Based on machine learning predictions from global compilation of soil profiles...
.select('treecover2000');Map.addLayer(forest, {max:80},'forest cover 30 m');//projection: EPSG:4326// Get the forest cover data at MODIS scale and projection.varforestMean = forest// Force the next reprojection to aggregate instead of resampling..reduceResolution({reducer: ee.Reducer.mean...
ee.Image("CIESIN/GPWv411/GPW_Land_Area") Resolution 927.67 meters Bands Table * = Values are estimated Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2018. Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Land Area, Revision 11. Palisades, NY:...
Resolution 100 meters Bands Table Class Table: discrete_classification Class Table: forest_type image 属性: 数据引用: Buchhorn, M. ; Lesiv, M. ; Tsendbazar, N. - E. ; Herold, M. ; Bertels, L. ; Smets, B. Copernicus Global Land Cover Layers—Collection 2. Remote Sensing 2020, 12Volu...
这里还用到了谷歌地球引擎Google Earth Engine单张图像ee.Image的操作中介绍的将函数的参数修改为字典的形式的方法,从而跳过.reproject()函数中一些不需要的参数。 执行代码,得到结果如下。 可以看到,经过上述操作,所得到的坐标变换后图层空间分辨率为500 m,恢复了正常的情况。想了解更多精彩内容,快...
The MOD16A2 V105 product provides information about 8-day global terrestrial evapotranspiration at 1km pixel resolution. Evapotranspiration (ET) is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere. With long-term ET data, the effects of changes in climate...
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首先,依据谷歌地球引擎Google Earth Engine的JavaScript代码语言规则中介绍的代码导入遥感影像方法,我们将两景SkySat多光谱校正公开图像集Public Ortho Imagery产品导入GEE中,并在地图中显示。SkySat是由美国商业公司Planet拥有并运行的亚米级地球遥感观测卫星星座,其多光谱波段空间分辨率可达2 m左右,全色波段空间...