我们的政策口的需求,而我们无法通过维持团队帮助塑造了欧洲议会的一份现状的生产系统来实现这一目标由于许多欧洲政策制定者刚刚开始报告,旨在指导该战略。成功取探素替代蛋白质,因此GFI消了一项可能推迟培育肉进入市Europe 详细的、针对具体国家的场的规定。 欧洲议会的报告还分见解对于塑造替代蛋白质的未来至享了我们的...
Good Food Institute The Good Food Institute is a nonprofit think tank working to make the global food system better for the planet, people, and animals. Alongside scientists, businesses, and policymakers, GFI’s teams focus on making plant-based and cultivated meat delicious, affordable, and acce...
Good Food Institute The Good Food Institute is a nonprofit think tank working to make the global food system better for the planet, people, and animals. Alongside scientists, businesses, and policymakers, GFI’s teams focus on making plant-based and cultivated meat delicious, affordable, and acce...
Good Food Institute:2024年植物基肉类与传统肉类的比较生命周期评估报告(英文版).pdf 下载文档资源简介 > 为了解决气候变化、污染、资源枯竭和粮食安全问题,我们必须减少粮食生产,特别是肉类生产对环境的影响。替代蛋白质——由植物制成的肉、由动物细胞培养的肉或通过发酵生产的肉——为消费者提供了他们喜爱的由更可...
Alice Ravenscroft, head of policy at the nonprofit Good Food Institute Europe, said the news should come as a wake up call in Europe, which she argued was “falling behind as the rest of the world accelerates to deliver cultivated meat as part of a more sustainable food system. “Americ...
The Good Food Institute India (GFI India) is the central expert organization, thought leader, and convening body in the Indian 'alternative protein' or 'smart protein' sector. As part of an international network of organizations with par...
【The Good Food Institute:2020年人造肉行业报告】目前,该行业的商业格局由70多家初创企业组成,专注于开发人造肉类原料、服务或最终产品。另有 40 多家以生命科学为主的公司已公开宣布正式计划业务线,满足人...
The Good Food Institute (GFI), a nonprofit think tank and international network of organizations, sees alternative proteins as an essential solution.
所属公司:The good food institute 简介:The good food institute汇集食品专家、美食专家、以及学术界、非盈利组织和创业领域的专家达人,共同寻找如何吃的更健康、更美味、更环保的方式。The Good Food Institute特别关注的领域为如何用植物产品仿制动物产品,生产口味、营养元素一致但更健康更环保的肉类产品。
The Good Food Institute:2020年人造肉行业报告 The Good Food Institute发布了“2020年人造肉行业报告”。2020年是人造肉行业的第一年,以色列政府首脑食用人造肉,新加坡首次销售人造肉。 目前,该行业的商业格局由70多家初创企业组成,专注于开发人造肉类原料、服务或最终产品。另有 40 多家以生命科学为主的公司已...