Gone with the Wind: Directed by Victor Fleming. With Thomas Mitchell, Barbara O'Neil, Vivien Leigh, Evelyn Keyes. A sheltered and manipulative Southern belle and a roguish profiteer face off in a turbulent romance as the society around them crumbles with
These Gone With the Wind quotes will inspire you to grab a copy of the book, or at least watch the movie! If you have ever asked yourself (or anyone else) if Gone With The Wind “is any good”, I am not sure if we can be friends. This story has it all: drama, war, love tr...
Gone with the Wind is a classic masterpiece. It’s a novel by Margaret Mitchell, later adapted into a movie starring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, and more. If you try to get deep into it, Gone with the Wind is a Civil War drama told through the life of Scarlett O’Hara, her struggle...
Gone_with_the_Wind GoneWithTheWind TimeReleased:1939Country:USARunningLength:222minGenre:Drama/Romance/War Director:VictorFleming(OscarBestDirector)WritingCredits:MargaretMitchell(novel);SidneyHoward(screenplay);(OscarBestWriting,Screenplay)PlotOutline Americanclassicinwhichamanipulativewoman(Scarlett)and(Scarlett)a...
Exuberant is the best word for Molly Haskell’s Frankly, My Dear,... a slim, unfailingly intelligent, fact-filled book that sets out to explain why Gone With the Wind (both book and movie) exercises such a potent and enduring hold on our imagination. Ms. Haskell...argues convincingly tha...
Margaret Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) is best known as the author of Gone With The Wind, one of the best-selling novels in American literature.It was published in over 40 countries and adapted into the famed movie of the same name. It has been said that she herself...
“感情真是个霸道的东西啊,不问先后,不问缘由。” -孟雪 “我没想过什么理想,能够平安健康地活着比什么都重要。理想啊、梦想啊,是遥不可及的。只要能够平平淡淡的生活,我就很开心了。” -苏韵锦 “时间真是个可怕的东西;它能抚平一切,将心里好的或是坏的痕迹一刀刀刮
HCPhilosophieRenaissance und AufklärungI'm sure I've seen that guy's face somewhere before.Mathias JungEmu-Verlags-GmbH
The two-part pilot “Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest” introduces (or re-introduces, if you saw the movie) us to a slayer who really doesn’t want any more to do with the vampires who caused her so much trouble in Los Angeles. She and her mother have moved to the small town ...
the apartment building in the center of town burst into flames with a child still on one of the floors. The rest of the kids and teens were scared to go in so Sam dives into the fiery hands of the building. As he neared the child, fire came from her hands and struck him. Then he...