These Gone With the Wind quotes will inspire you to grab a copy of the book, or at least watch the movie! If you have ever asked yourself (or anyone else) if Gone With The Wind “is any good”, I am not sure if we can be friends. This story has it all: drama, war, love tr...
To have a better understanding of classics.M.OK"Big brother is watching you," from George Orwell's 1984, and29. For what purpose does the author mention 1984 an d Gone with the we nee d to buy"Tomorrow is another day," from Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind?W: I think...
The son, in his shame, kept his eyes fastened on the ground, that is until he heard his father poking around the inside of the fire ring with a stick. Digging through the gray ash like a miner in search of a diamond, the boy’s father finally stopped when he uncovered a glowing, r...
They deceive themselves who believe that union with God consists in ecstasies or raptures, and in the enjoyment of Him. For it consists in nothing except the surrender and subjection of our will - with our thoughts, words and actions - to the will of God. — Teresa of Avila 199 Anybody...