思嘉看见姑娘们那么忙碌,听见她们那么欢笑。她自己的内却是十分痛苦和屈辱。 “他们对我、对他们自已以及对整个南方究竟面临怎么样的局面,居然什么都不知道。眼下情况这样困难,他们还以为绝不会有什么真正可怕的事会降临到他们任何人的头上,只因为他们原来是奥哈拉家族、是威尔克斯家族、是汉密尔顿家族的。连黑人都那么...
as it ran down the hill to the sluggish Flint River,through the tangled swampy bottoms and up the next hill to Twelve Oaks where Ashley lived. That was all the road meant now-a road to Ashley and the beautiful white- columned house that crowned the hill like a Greek Temple. "Oh,...
Read these top Gone with the Wind quotes and find nuggets of wisdom that can guide you. Gone with the Wind is a classic masterpiece. It’s a novel by Margaret Mitchell, later adapted into a movie starring Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, and more. If you try to get deep into it, Gone wi...
These Gone With the Wind quotes will inspire you to grab a copy of the book, or at least watch the movie! If you have ever asked yourself (or anyone else) if Gone With The Wind “is any good”, I am not sure if we can be friends. This story has it all: drama, war, love tr...
It has not been my own since Gone With the Wind was published. The very fact that since 1936 I have never had the time to sit down to my typewriter and write — or try to write — another book will give you some indication of what I mean … Being the author of Gone With the ...
Armond White in the New York Times Book Review "What the Wind Blew In" February 26, 2009 “Frankly, My Dear” praises “Gone With the Wind” for illuminating still-conflicting romantic ideas. This comes at a time when film culture has fragmented into fan-boy/chick-flick dichotomies and pop...
Our collection of memories quotes are remembrances of days gone by, they remind you that the memories we make with family and friends are truly a treasure of life
What does "gone with the wind" mean? What is Revolutionary Road about? How does The Road Not Taken relate to life? What does viz mean in 'Robinson Crusoe'? What does 'formidable for guile' mean in The Odyssey? What does wrought mean in The Raven?
Is ''Gone with the Wind'' a romance novel? How does the book The Help end? Is the book Educated a true story? Is A Little Life a gay novel? Is the ''Decameron'' fiction? Is The Way to Wealth an essay or short story?
Sam is one of the main characters and the chapters of the book Gone usually focus on him. The town he’s living in goes into a crisis because the adults and everyone over the age of 14 disappear, children are left to be found, cars are wrecked, and everyone is left to fend for the...