跟函数参数一样,我们需要为每一个类型参数指定「类型」,这种类型的类型Go语言称之为约束。 1. Constrained Generic Type packagemainimport("fmt")typeStringer =interface{ String()string}typeIntegerintfunc(i Integer)String()string{returnfmt.Sprintf("%d", i) }typeStringstringfunc(s String)String()string{...
// Iterate through the generic pets, switch on type, then decode the // hcl.Body into the correct pet type. This allows "polymorphism" in the // pet blocks. pets := []Pet{} for_,p :=rangepetsHCL.PetHCLBodies { switchpetType :=p.Type;petType { case"cat": cat :=&Cat{Name:p...
用随便一个接口(通常是any)装个箱,把类型信息带到运行时就可以用type switch判断了。switchr:=any(...
switch a.(type) { case int: return a.(int) + b.(int) case int32: return a.(int32) + b.(int32) case int64: return a.(int64) + b.(int64) } return 0 } func BenchmarkOverLoadGeneric(b *testing.B) { for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { x := AddGeneric(i, i) _ = x ...
No switching on a generic's underlying type // DOES NOT WORK func is64Bit[T Float](v T) T { switch (interface{})(v).(type) { case float32: return false case float64: return true } } The only way to get around this is to use an interface directly and ...
In the discussion for #45346, this comment mentioned the possibility of adding a type switch on parametric types. Given that it's threatening to derail the discussion there, I'm creating this proposal to talk about it. Proposal: type switching on type parameters I propose that a new ...
funcSum(a,binterface{})interface{}{switcha.(type){caseint:a1:=a.(int)b1:=b.(int)returna1+b1casefloat64:a1:=a.(float64)b1:=b.(float64)returna1+b1default:returnnil}} 这样一来,不仅重复了很多的代码,而且频繁的类型转换,不仅繁琐性能低,而且在安全性上也不高。所以,Golang开发者希望官方在...
func (self *AgentContext) CheckHostType(host_type string) error {switch host_type {case "virtual_machine":return nilcase "bare_metal":return nil}return errors.New("CheckHostType ERROR:" + host_type)} 我们可以看出,该函数失败的原因只有一个,所以返回值的类型应该为bool,而不是error,重构一下代...
Switch Statement in Go fallthrough keyword in go for-range loop in Go Goto statement in Golang Packages/Modules Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 1 Packages and Modules in Go (Golang) – Part 2 Modules in Golang Direct vs Indirect Dependencies in go.mod file in Go Manual do...
近期对nmap的操作系统识别功能造了个轮子,用golang实现了一遍,想未来能用于扫描器,资产发现/管理系统,网络空间引擎中。 造轮子也是一次深入理解它原理的过程,造完轮子后感觉到所有代码尽在我掌握之中,之后大规模扫描测试就可以 以最有效率,发最小包,绕过防火墙的方式进行集成,也能轻易的进行扩展。