// Golang program to illustrate the // use of switch with multiple value cases package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { // 整数输入以从用户(只有1-10)判断奇偶性 var number int fmt.Scanln(&number) // 预测输入数字是偶数还是奇数 // 每个switch case都有多个值 switch number { case ...
如果select的多个分支都满足条件,则会随机的选取其中一个满足条件的分支, 如语言规范中所说: If multiple cases can proceed, a uniform pseudo-random choice is made to decide which single communication will execute. `case`语句的表达式可以为一个变量或者两个变量赋值。 有default语句。 package main import ...
.\First.go:8:2:invalidcase1inswitch(mismatchedtypesintandbool).\First.go:10:2:invalidcase2inswitch(mismatchedtypesintandbool).\First.go:12:2:invalidcase3inswitch(mismatchedtypesintandbool).\First.go:14:2:invalidcase4inswitch(mismatchedtypesintandbool) #Switch case contains multiple expressions ...
Do things with numbers, strings and switch-cases (Golang Playground) go run numbers.go Use a template to create and fill documents (this example usesLaTeX) (Golang Playground) go run template.go pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode template_latex.tex ...
SwitchStmt = ExprSwitchStmt | TypeSwitchStmt . 有两种形式:表达式switch和类型switch。在表达式switch中,cases包含与switch表达式的值进行比较的表达式。在类型switch中,cases包含与特殊注释的switch表达式的类型进行比较的类型。switch表达式在switch语句中只计算一次 ...
fmt.Println(num,"has multiple digits") } switch case Switch cases 有助于组织多个条件语句。 以下示例显示了一个简单的 switch case 语句: i :=2switchi {case1: fmt.Println("one")case2: fmt.Println("two")default: fmt.Println("none") ...
Switch cases evaluate cases from top to bottom, stopping when a case succeeds. Switch statements work on values of any type, not just integers. There are two types of switch statements: switch expressions and switch types. We can use commas to separate multiple expressions in the same case st...
Unlike switch, select can only have one expression per case which may force code duplication or a separated function. This proposal is to add the option of multiple select case expressions. select { case <-cancel, <-w.(http.CloseNotifier).CloseNotify(): // cancel action } Instead of: ...
// as with for and if, you can have an assignment statement before the switch value switch os := runtime.GOOS; os { case "darwin": ... } // you can also make comparisons in switch cases number := 42 switch { case number
“Why not just kill the application in such cases?” It is never a good idea to kill the whole application for one bug. It offers a very bad customer experience, giving the impression that this application is not reliable and tolerant. Instead, displaying a simple message such as “We wil...