Switch 语句是一种多路分支,它提供了与冗长的if-else比较的另一种选择。它根据表达式的值或单个变量的状态从多个块列表中选择要执行的单个块。使用具有多个值的case的switch语句对应于在单个case中使用 多个值。 这是通过用逗号分隔case中的多个值来实现的。
Golang中switch的用法小结 通常语法结构:switch var1 { case val1: ... case val2: ... default://可以没有 ... } 注: 可以在一个 case 中包含多个表达式,每个表达式用逗号分隔 switch letter { case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u": //multiple expressions in case fmt.Println("vowel") defaul...
程序首先对switch 中的表达式求值,然后依次对每一个case中的表达式求值并与true做匹配。匹配到case num < 100:时结果是true,因此程序打印:75 is lesser than 100,接着程序遇到fallthrough语句,因此继续对下一个case中的表达式求值并与 true 做匹配,结果仍然是true,因此打印:75 is lesser than 200。最后的输出如下...
switch val := v.(type) { then if the case has multiple types, the type of val is interface{}. And Go does not permit writing float64(val) if val has type interface{}. It's true that float64(val) can be compiled for every type in the case, but since Go is statically typed th...
Go switch statement It is a conditional statement in which we have multiway branches i.e. there are multiple options for the givencases. Theswitchis a way to execute multiple code blocks based on the value passed in thecaseexpression. In Golang, there are two types ofswitchstatements: ...
Example 3: Golang Type Switch Matching Multiple Values However, we can also use a type switch by listing multiple types in a single case statement. packagemain import"fmt" funcmain(){ WeekNames:="Sun" switchWeekNames{ case"Sat","Sun": ...
Go switch multiple expressions It is possible to place multiple expressions in one case. weekday2.go package main import ( "time" "fmt" ) func main() { switch time.Now().Weekday() { case time.Monday, time.Tuesday, time.Wednesday, time.Thursday, time.Friday: ...
duration := nanotime() - startTime switch _p_.gcMarkWorkerMode { case gcMarkWorkerDedicatedMode: atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkTime, duration) atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.dedicatedMarkWorkersNeeded, 1) case gcMarkWorkerFractionalMode: atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.fractionalMark...
switch c.endPointType { case TCP_CLIENT: return c.dialTCP() case UDP_CLIENT: return c.dialUDP() case WS_CLIENT: return c.dialWS() case WSS_CLIENT: return c.dialWSS() } return nil } 我们关注的是 TCP 连接,所以继续进入c.dialTCP()方法: ...
// the corresponding fasthttp codem:=func(ctx*fasthttp.RequestCtx){switchstring(ctx.Path()){case"/foo":fooHandlerFunc(ctx)case"/bar":barHandlerFunc(ctx)case"/baz":bazHandler.HandlerFunc(ctx)default:ctx.Error("not found",fasthttp.StatusNotFound)}}fasthttp.ListenAndServe(":80",m) ...