**/func(ut *UDPTunnel)WritePacketToClientProxy(p *udppacket.Packet){//log.Println("udptunnel WritePacketToClientProxy")varsendP *udppacket.Packet= p size :=len(ut.Handlers)fori :=0; i < size; i++ { sendP = ut.Handlers[i].WriteToClientProxy(sendP)ifsendP ==nil{break} }ifsend...
// Create a tcp socket and send data on it. This uses the sendto() system call// instead of connect() - because connect() calls does not support sending// data in the syn packet, but the sendto() system call does (as often used in// connectionless protocols such as udp.func(c ...
I expected UDP datagrams to be sent on both sockets. What did you see instead? More often than not, this test fails on Linux: c1 send failed 0: write udp> sendmsg: operation not permitted It's either the first or the second connection that fails, but...
服务器端代码不用修改,因为它已经实现了读写,读是通过listener.ReadFromUDP,写通过listener.WriteToUDP。 客户端修改为读写: 代码语言:javascript 复制 packagemainimport("fmt""net")funcmain(){ip:=net.ParseIP("")srcAddr:=&net.UDPAddr{IP:net.IPv4zero,Port:0}dstAddr:=&net.UDPAddr{IP:ip...
under /sys/, uses os/exec to run short-lived child processes, sends UDP packets, makes HTTP requests, and provides some debug endpoints on an HTTP server. It does not use its own cgo or unsafe (aside from the internals of github.com/golang/protobuf/proto), and the race detector has ...
manual --kcp-mtu=1350 set maximum transmission unit for UDP packets --kcp-sndwnd=1024 set send window size(num of packets) --kcp-rcvwnd=1024 set receive window size(num of packets) --kcp-ds=10 set reed-solomon erasure coding - datashard --kcp-ps=3 set reed-solomon erasure coding -...
Golang生产级可靠UDP库 原文作者:xtaci Introduction kcp-gois aProduction-Grade Reliable-UDPlibrary for golang. This library intents to provide asmooth, resilient, ordered, error-checked and anonymousdelivery of streams overUDPpackets, it has been battle-tested with opensource project kcptun. Millions...
Go UDP socket example UDP is a communication protocol that transmits independent packets over the network with no guarantee of arrival and no guarantee of the order of delivery. One service that used UDP is echo. The Echo Protocol is a service in the Internet Protocol Suite defined in RFC 86...
Golang生产级可靠UDP库 Introduction kcp-gois aProduction-Grade Reliable-UDPlibrary for golang. This library intents to provide asmooth, resilient, ordered, error-checked and anonymousdelivery of streams overUDPpackets, it has been battle-tested with opensource project kcptun. Millions of devices(...