If this is expected behaviour, I apologize for wasting your time. Steps to reproduce 1 - Use this script on a Node. extends Node2D var mouse_position : Vector2 func _physics_process(delta): mouse_position = get_viewport().get_mouse_position() print(mouse_position.x) 2- Move your mouse...
if (mouseposition <= maxlen || _index == ondraging) // 如果距离小于等于最大长度或者索引值相等 { ondraging = _index;// 记录点触索引值防止多指影响触控 _sprite.GlobalPosition = mousebutton;// 更新_sprite(圆点)的全局位置 if (_sprite.Position.Length() > maxlen)// 如果_sprite(圆点)的位...
Cannot find code editor: VSCode Couldn't open script in the overridden external text editor godot里点击脚本不打开vscode,报错显示这个 是啥原因?之前还能打的开的,过几天就打不开了 网上搜了也没找到原因 TroisSaw 12-16 11 godot显示半边文字 any2766 第一次打开的时候是没问题的,然后我又打开了...
Organize your player movement logic into separate functions or scripts. For instance, create a script for handling player input, another for character movement, and possibly one more for handling animations. Separating concerns makes your code more modular and easier to maintain, as well as promotes...
This project is a Godot project, so you can open it in Godot and run it. The example is a simple game where you control a player with mouse, with a few sample systems. The potions and fire entities will invokeAreaTriggercomponents, while the spiders will follow theWanderScriptscripting. ...
if(event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT): if(event.is_pressed()): startDrag = true; linePoints = [role.position + (role.size/2)]; pass else: startDrag = false; var subDistance:float = getSubDistance(); print("路径总长:%s" % [subDistance]); ...
右键点击节点选择Attach Script来附加脚本,脚本会继承该节点的类型 GDScript文件代表了类,所以不能编辑类名 _ready()函数在节点及其所有子节点进入活动场景时候被调用,构造器是 _init() 处理信号: 信号主要用于GUI节点(即图形用户界面),也可以在脚本中定义自定义信号 ...
AnimationPlayer 使用方式和 AnimatedPlayer2D 一模一样,Script 里的方法也一模一样。 如果同时动画和某个属性同时改变,play() 并不会立刻反应,要下一个动画帧才能改变。所以会造成故障帧。比如说你在做一个转身的动画,你先改变 h_flip 来转身,然后 play() 播放转身动画。但是实际上,人物会转身然后保持跑动的动画...