, player)assert(result==OK) To save as a text file we use the.tresfile extension, and use the.resfile extension to save in a more compact and non-human readable binary format. Also, save the file to:user://file_name.res(for example) to save it...
makeuseofcode/Save-and-load-in-godotmain 1 branch 0 tags Code Latest commitImranalam28 Create 675c356 Aug 18, 2023 Git stats 4 commits FilesFailed to load latest commit information. Type Name Latest commit message Commit time LICENSE save...
It adds saving and loading the current level, so if you save in level 3, you will continue in level 3 when you load the game. This also was not shown in the video. Check the updated script for details. If you don't know how to use git, you can also download the...
func load_json():var 数据库 = {}var jsonfile = "res://save.json"#=↓===取档===var file # 新建一个文件实例并存放到变量file,注意大小写!,File.READ) # 用只读方式打开jsonfile变量所指位置的文件)var json_str = file.get_as_text() # 转换文件内容为字符...
另外,还顺带增加了json的resource类 可以直接使用load("xxx.json")来加载和使用ResourceSaver.save来保存了。 下载链接:网页链接 JsonScript类有几个方法: func set_as_text(text:String) # 将text保存至文件 func get_as_text() -> String # 获取文件文本 func set_as_data(value) # 将value保存至文件 ...
In the upper-left corner is the Main menus, where you can save and load files, edit project settings, and get help.In the center at the top is a list of the Workspaces you can switch between when working on different parts of your game. You can switch between 2D and 3D mode, as ...
点击顶部的PLAY SCENE按扭(或者按F6):哎呀运行前场景要先保存,选择Scene-Save,保存场景为helllo.scn 类的名字这里有一些有趣的事情.文件对话框比较特别,它允许保存场景到工程内部.工程的根目 录是,它就是资源路径.也就是说,文件只能保存到项目内部.将来,当在Godot中做文件 操作时,记住是资源路径,不管是什么平台...
点击顶部的"PLAYSCENE"按扭(或者按F6): 哎呀运行前场景要先保存,选择Scene->Save,保存场景为""一类的名字这里有一些有趣的事情.文件对话框比较特别,它允许保存场景到工程内部.工程的根目录是"",它就是资源路径.也就是说,文件只能保存到项目内部.将来,当在Godot中做文件操作时,记住""是资源路径,不管是什么平台...
(设为自动加载,这样所有代码都能访问的到): # 加载游戏存档函数 func load_game(): var loader ="res://Json/Game.json", File.READ) var json = parse_json(loader.get_line()) loader.close() return json # 保存游戏存档函数 func save_game(game_data): var saver =...