Godot Shaders is a community-driven shader library for the Godot game engine. Free shaders to use in any project – personal and commercial.
过程中,会教你怎么使用Shader和Line2D来给元素加上漂亮的边框和连接线,让界面更加生动。最后,我们还会带你一起加载怪物图鉴,让你的游戏内容更加丰富。跟着我们的步骤一步步来,保证你能做出超赞的UI系统!希望这段教程对你有所帮助,喜欢的话别忘了点赞支持哦! Asset Used - UI pixel sprite - https://mounir...
过程中,会教你怎么使用Shader和Line2D来给元素加上漂亮的边框和连接线,让界面更加生动。最后,我们还会带你一起加载怪物图鉴,让你的游戏内容更加丰富。跟着我们的步骤一步步来,保证你能做出超赞的UI系统!希望这段教程对你有所帮助,喜欢的话别忘了点赞支持哦! Asset Used - UI pixel sprite - https://mounir...
Godot Game Of Life- Conway'sGame of lifeusing shaders. Godot-GameTemplate- Template with all necessary stuff taken care of. Designed for pixel art games. Minimum Game- Template top-down 2D pixel art game, with multiple rooms, a HUD, menus, and autosaving. ...
Orama-Interactive/Pixelorama Star7.7k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Unleash your creativity with Pixelorama, a powerful and accessible open-source pixel art multitool. Whether you want to create sprites, tiles, animations, or just express yourself in the language of pixel art, this software...
Shader code shader_typecanvas_item;uniformvec4line_color:hint_color=vec4(1);uniformfloatline_thickness:hint_range(0,10)=1.0;voidfragment(){vec2size=TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE*line_thickness;floatoutline=texture(TEXTURE,UV+vec2(-size.x,0)).a;outline+=texture(TEXTURE,UV+vec2(0,size.y)).a;outline...
Godot 4 Shaders: Craft Stunning Visuals Master the Art of Shading: From Basic Techniques to Advanced Visual Effects in 2D and 3D Environments评分:4.4,满分 5 分113 条评论总共5 小时45 个讲座所有级别当前价格: US$10.99原价: US$54.99 讲师: GameDev.tv Team, Kaan Alpar 评分:4.4,满分 5 分4.4...
With that project I learned the basics of how to create sprites with LibreSprite, how to loop a background and control it's speed using a shader (first time using a shader), and put to practice some GDScrit that I learned. So it was a nice experience. It was funny that I ...
近期,一位游戏开发者Jess在Youtube上发布了名为《How I Created 2D Pixel Art Water - Unity Shader Graph》的视频,系统展示了她如何通过Unity Shader Graph复刻Pixel Art风格的水体效果。作为这一领域的新人,Jess的作品质量之高让人惊讶,她不仅展示了清晰的思路,还实现了动人的水体效果,引发了众多观众的热议。
戈多棱镜碰撞(Godot Prismatic Impact) 科幻全息图[戈多](SciFi Hologram [Godot]) 戈多CSG出口商(Godot CSG Exporter) Godot-Luma映射着色器(Godot Luma mapping shader) 免费Trippy动画背景(Free Trippy Animated Backgrounds) 全天自由: 戈多版(AllSky Free : Godot Edition)...