我设想弹幕这部分可以用C++自定义godot server写个bullet server,用C++实现object pooling,有待实践(等遇到性能瓶颈再说)。虽然也可以用C#可以实现object pooling,但是godot只对C++提供server规范用以扩展游戏引擎。 文档见: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/contributing/development/core_and_modules/custom_...
Tested versions Reproducible in 4.1.3.stable.mono System information Godot v4.1.3.stable.mono - Windows 10.0.22621 - Vulkan (Forward+) - dedicated NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER (NVIDIA; - AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor ...
USDZ is a file format that contains a 3D scene or object saved in the USDZ Universal format, which is developed by Apple and Pixar Animation Studios. It is an uncompressed and unencrypted .ZIP archive that stores a Universal Scene Description (.USD, USDA, or USDC) file, which includes 3D...
我设想弹幕这部分可以用C++自定义godot server写个bullet server,用C++实现object pooling,有待实践(等遇到性能瓶颈再说)。虽然也可以用C#可以实现object pooling,但是godot只对C++提供server规范用以扩展游戏引擎。 文档见: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/contributing/development/core_and_modules/custom_...