Godot version SHA-1: 1bd0b29 System information Windows 10, Vulkan, Intel® Core™ i7-8700K, Nvidia GTX 1080 (471.11) Issue description Scripts now allow you to export node variables with explicit types, including those defined by scripts...
When using the new@export_customannotation for untyped properties, the inspector behavior is different if the user uses no type hints or the Variant type hint The inspector only shows a usable field correctly when not using any type hint. It will show the type hint for the same type of the...
导出属性显示自定义说明类:ExportPropertyHitInspectorPlugin publicpartialclassExportPropertyHitInspectorPlugin:EditorInspectorPlugin{privateList<Type>_types;publicExportPropertyHitInspectorPlugin(){vartypes=Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();_types=types.ToList().FindAll(type=>type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Node...
我们创建自定义资源时,可以给资源定义个类名class_name CustomResource,但是在代码中确不能定义该类型的资源变量: var resource1:Resource# 没问题var resource2:CustomResource# 不支持! 上面的代码运行会报错: built-in:4 - Parse Error: Invalid export type. Only built-in and native resource types can be ...
var resource2 : CustomResource # 不支持! 上面的代码运行会报错: built-in:4 - Parse Error: Invalid export type. Only built-in and native resource types can be exported. 避免这个问题的方法就是使用父类型Resource作为变量的类型,不过这样会导致在export属性中可以赋予任意类型的资源文件,非常不方便、不人...
21. export(String,DIR) var f # string is a path to a directory # 字符串是目录 22. export(String,FILE,"*.txt") var f # string is a path to a file, custom filter provided as hint # 字符串是一个文件路径,自定义过滤器提示
arr.sort_custom(func(x, y):returnx>y)print(arr)# [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]vardicts=[{a=1, b=6}, {a=5, b=5}, {a=3, b=2}, {a=4, b=1}] dicts.sort_custom(func(x, y):returnx.a>y.a)print(dicts)# [{"a":5, "b":5}, {"a":4, "b":1}, {"a":3, "b":2}...
控件子场景主要用于界面显示,主要有:金币数量、剩余时间、开始按钮、文字信息显示等。这里我使用了MarginContainer容器配合HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer来对界面元素进行排版。提醒新手朋友们:设置MarginContainer的边距需要在Custom Constants属性下进行设置。 godot_10_ui_scene ...
The engine provides support for using custom physics rules, and integrates powerful animation capabilities. You can import realistic looking 3D models that have been created by using powerful apps, such as Maya, Blender, or Mac. Godot can work with different types of shapes, light types, or ...
控件子场景主要用于界面显示,主要有:金币数量、剩余时间、开始按钮、文字信息显示等。这里我使用了 MarginContainer 容器配合 HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer 来对界面元素进行排版。提醒新手朋友们:设置 MarginContainer 的边距需要在 Custom Constants 属性下进行设置。