The game is not downloadable and is only available to play in the browser. The project file was not changed after I submitted it to the game jam. They posted this screenshot showing the error: I'm new to game development and the engine so apologies in advance if I've done this incorr...
v3.3.4.stable.official.faf3f883d - OpenGL ES 3.0 Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL ES Batching: ON [nathan@arch .export]$ strip Test.x86_64 -o test [nathan@arch .export]$ ./test Error: Couldn't load project data at path ".". Is the ....
OS::get_singleton()->print("error: Couldn't load game path '%s'\n", game_path.ascii().get_data()); goto error; #endif } if (editor) { main_args.push_back("-editor"); init_maximized = true; use_custom_res = false; } if (bool(Globals::get_singleton()->get(...
found_project = true; #endif } else { #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED editor = false; #else const String error_msg = "Error: Couldn't load project data at path \"" + project_path + "\". Is the .pck file missing?\nIf you've renamed the executable, the associated .pck file should...
(D:\godot\platform\windows\godot_windows.cpp:234) [51] __scrt_common_main_seh (D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288) [52] <couldn't map PC to fn name> -- END OF BACKTRACE -- === Tempt 2 SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid assignment of property or...
I couldn't re-create the crash, there were several issues when I tried to open the MRP projects (corrupt PlayerCharacter.tscn in the server project, an issue with the server script extending node2d, and some missing textures). I tried to fix the issues mentioned above ...
I downloaded 4.3-dev6 and reopened the same project and now it's working. public partial class Enemy : CharacterBody3D { [Export] private Stat[] stats; // ... } using Godot; using System; public partial class EnemySpawner : Node { [Export] public PackedScene enemyScene; public override...
implemented with Gemma.cpp's window build version. Contribute to Rliop913/Gemma-godot-demo-project development by creating an account on GitHub.
[autoload] Anims="*res://Scripts/Utils/" [display] window/size/viewport_width=540 window/size/viewport_height=960 window/stretch/mode="canvas_items" window/stretch/aspect="expand" window/handheld/orientation=1 [file_customization] folder_colors={ "res://Assets/": "teal"...
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine - godot/doc/classes/ProjectSettings.xml at 6b6428d779c8327ec051ab0b5114a2eaa3f1a3bf · godotengine/godot