选中刚添加好的 Area2D,快捷键 F2 重命名为 MouseClickEventExample,点击回车完成重命名操作。快捷键 Ctrl+S 弹出"场景另存为…"窗口,点击保存按钮。(文件被保存到项目根目录,路径为 res://MouseClickEventExample.tscn,文件后缀名是 .tscn) 呗银beiyin godot 1 4.给 Area2D 添加全屏碰撞形状回到场景,快捷...
e.Pressed && e.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.Left) { Stop(); } } } 如果我这样做,无论我点击哪里,动画都会停止。 如果有人可以帮助我,我将非常感激c# godot godot4 1个回答 0投票 如果这是一个控件,解决方案是使用 _GuiInput 而不是 _Input,但 AnimatedSprite2D 不是 Control。 像 Node2D...
Why doesn't your MRP work the way you expect: Togglinggui_disable_inputtoonhas the effect, that the Viewport gets into a state, where it thinks, that the mouse is no longer over it. Togglinggui_disable_inputtooffafterwards doesn't reset this state. Also sending a mouse event bygameViewpo...
if event is InputEventMouseButton and event.button_index == MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: if (event.position - $Sprite2D.position).length() < click_radius: # Start dragging if the click is on the sprite. if not dragging and event.pressed: dragging = true # Stop dragging if the button is released...
Credits We didn't build those demos alone; We were greatly helped by: Fales Paulloz Tokage iFire Smix8 Calinou Raulsntos Controls Most demos use: WASD 🖱 Mouse Left Mouse ␣ Space Where relevant, we've described the controls.About...
获取镜头缩放后的指针位置:current_mouse_position = get_global_mouse_position() 4. 调整镜头平移:offset -= current_mouse_position - init_mouse_position 这样先缩放,后平移是无奈之举——因为我不知道缩放之后指针位置在哪儿。 怎么提前计算呢?这样我可以用tween同时更改,更平滑些。 高温可乐 2-2 8 ...
float mouseposition = (mousebutton - Position).Length();// 计算点击位置与中心位置之间的距离 if (mouseposition <= maxlen || _index == ondraging) // 如果距离小于等于最大长度或者索引值相等 { ondraging = _index;// 记录点触索引值防止多指影响触控 ...
05-mouse-following: 演示了如何手动让SpineSprite skeleton中的骨骼跟随鼠标或触摸事件. 06-bone-following: 演示了如何在SpineSprite上使用SpineBoneNode来让子节点跟随skeleton中的骨骼. 07-slot-node: 演示了如何使用SpineSlotNode让子节点跟随skeleton中的一个槽位, 同时将子节点置入SpineSprite的正确渲染顺序. 08-...
Xpadder simulates keypresses and mouse movements using a gamepad. Program is now buy only. This is the last free version released. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Ultimate Vice City Mod 2.1[ 2016-10-16 09:26:08 | 167 MB | Freeware | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 5 ] ...
We also don't believe you shouldn't have to spend time managing and maintaining infrastructure - Talo is fully managed while also being really easy to self-host if you want to have more control. What is Talo? Talo provides a complete backend solution that's specifically designed for game de...