根节点命名为MainGame/// /// 节点/// <returns>成功返回节点,失败返回Null</returns>publicstaticNodeRootNode(thisNode node){returnnode.GetTree().Root;}/// /// 禁用节点,停止更新,如果是类型为Node2D,Node3D,Control则隐藏显示/// /// 节点/// 是否禁用publicstaticvoidDisable...
Node duplicate ( int flags=15 ) const 复制节点,返回新节点。 您可以使用flags(参阅DuplicateFlags)调节复制行为。 Node find_node ( String mask, bool recursive=true, bool owned=true ) const 查找此节点的后代,其名称与“mask”匹配 。String.match(即区分大小写,但' * '匹配零个或多个字符和' ?匹配...
1 Create a Computer Scene 2 Using find_node() to get a node by name 4 Ask CombinationGenerator for a random combinations 5 Display that combination to the Player in a Popup After watching (learning outcomes)… Using a returned value from one script to change the contents of another 24 Lin...
Step 1 创建场景和根节点 创建一个新场景,直接使用Node2D做为根节点,命名为Weapon01。 Step 2 创建脚本 选中Weapon01节点,为其添加脚本Weapon01.gd。 然后我们从变量开始。 var Bullet01 = preload('res://Bullet01.tscn') var bulletNum = 18 var shootNum = 0 var isShooting = true Bullet01:我们预...
func_ready()->void:# Give every state a reference to the state machine.forstate_node: Stateinfind_children("*","State"): state_node.finished.connect(_transition_to_next_state)# State machines usually access data from the root node of the scene they're part of: the owner.# We wait ...
Godot 3.0 There are a few ways to get the root node in Godot, but none of them are straightforward, intuitive, portable, or concise. get_tree().get_root().get_node("rootNodeName") is an example of what I mean. It gets even worse when try...
Node 层直接调用GD 类中的函数 public partial class MySprite2D : Sprite2D { public override void _Process(double delta) { ... GD.PrintErr("_Process"); // c# 调用引擎接口 } } 2. GD 实现 public static partial class GD{ public static void PrintErr(string what) { godot_string p_what ...
通过源代码编译Godot编辑器和导出模板 Godot 3.5.x Godot 4.x 支持C#的Godot 4.x 使用GitHub Actions构建Godot编辑器和导出模板 C#项目设置 更新spine-godot运行时 使用spine-godot 资产管理 为Godot导出资产 导入至Godot 更新Spine资产 节点 SpineSprite 节点 SpineBoneNode SpineSlotNode SpineAnimationTrack 2D光照 ...
通过源代码编译Godot编辑器和导出模板 Godot 3.5.x Godot 4.x 支持C#的Godot 4.x 使用GitHub Actions构建Godot编辑器和导出模板 C#项目设置 更新spine-godot运行时 使用spine-godot 资产管理 为Godot导出资产 导入至Godot 更新Spine资产 节点 SpineSprite 节点 SpineBoneNode SpineSlotNode SpineAnimationTrack 2D光照 ...
player.global_position = _playerPositionNodes[positions.find(id)].position player.set_network_master(id) _playersContainer.add_child(player) _allPlayers.append(id) for node in _playerPositionNodes: node.queue_free() 这段代码中,通过方法player.set_network_master(id)给每个玩家设置了相应的Master ID...