问题: 使用TextureRect显示SubViewport的内容,结果发生了如下报错 E0:00:01:0007get_node: Nodenotfound:"SubViewport"(relativeto"Node2D"). <C++ 错误> Method/functionfailed. Returning: nullptr <C++ 源文件> scene/main/node.cpp:1364@ get_node() E0:00:01:0007setup_local_to_scene: ViewportTexture: ...
() -> bool: if not FileAccess.file_exists(checkpoint_save_path): print("Checkpoint file does not exist") return false # file not found var file = FileAccess.open(checkpoint_save_path, FileAccess.READ) if file: current_checkpoint_scene = file.get_pascal_string() var pos := file.get_...
Steps to reproduce Create a basic server/client template Create a simple test node which calls an rpc function every frame Instantiate the test node during the game Observe pre-replication Node not found errors Wait a few seconds Free the test node Observe post-freedom Node not found errors Alt...
使用自动加载播放音效..做了一个名为SoundPlayer的单例来为全局播放音效自动加载也启用了随后在某场景添加按钮,令其点击时播放音效运行时报错 Node not found,但相关节点明明存在的如图一这是出了什么问题请大
AnimationNodeStartState class_exists: true AnimationNodeStartState can_instantiate: true errors: res://test.gd:7 - Parse Error: Native class GDScriptNativeClass used in script doesn't exist or isn't exposed. res://test.gd:7 - Parse Error: Static function "new()" not found in base "GD...
1 2 3 4 5 6 func _on_status_presence(p_presence : NakamaRTAPI.StatusPresenceEvent): # Join the first match found in a friend's status for j in p_presence.joins: var status = JSON.parse_string(p_presence.status) if matchid in status: await socket.join_match_async(status["matchid...
当我尝试在中构建时,我得到了错误 error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Godot' could not be found (are you missing我可以通过在Godot中创建一个基本的空场景项目并在Visual中打开新的解决方案并尝试构建来复制这一点。 浏览12提问于2022-03-18得票数0...
4. 检查获取的节点是否有效(非null) 获取节点后,最好检查它是否有效(即非null),以避免在后续操作中引发错误。 gdscript if player_node != null: # 对 player_node 进行操作 print("Player node found!") else: print("Player node not found!") 5. 对获取到的节点进行操作或存储引用 一旦确认节点有效...
class_name StateMachineextendsNode## The initial state of the state machine. If not set, the first child node is used.@exportvarinitial_state: State=null## The current state of the state machine.@onreadyvarstate: State=(funcget_initial_state()->State:returninitial_stateifinitial_state!=null...
I am not usingJson.NETorSystem.Text.Json, and I am experiencing this issue. In the worst case, it results in data loss as serialized properties from C# Node scripts are reset todefault. The only library I am referencing is one I have authored. My.csprojfile looks like this: ...