I expected the "go tool compile -S ./main.go" command to output the result normally. What did you see instead? go tool compile -S ./main.go ./main.go:3:8: could not import fmt (file not found) chimissionchanged the titlego tool compile could not import fmtFeb 22, 2023 ...
could not import fmt (open fmt.a: no such file or directory) //main.gopackagemainfuncmain(){ } go tool compile -S main.go //Output:"".main STEXT nosplit size=1args=0x0locals=0x0funcid=0x00x000000000(main.go:3) TEXT"".main(SB), NOSPLIT|ABIInternal, $0-00x000000000(main.go:3...
前言Go 版本 : $ go version go version go1.21.4 darwin/amd64 我想对 go 文件进行反汇编,然后就报错了: $ go tool compile -S race.go race.go:3:8: could not import sync (file
cmd/goimportsformats a Go program likego fmtand additionally inserts import statements for any packages required by the file after it is edited. cmd/callgraphprints the call graph of a Go program. cmd/digraphis a utility for manipulating directed graphs in textual notation. ...
import ( "fmt" "os" "runtime" "runtime/pprof" "strconv" "time" ) func main() { ticker := time.NewTicker(10 * time.Second) go func() { for { time.Sleep(1e9) var m runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&m) memUsage := m.Sys / 1024 / 1024 // 将字节转换为兆字节 ...
packagemainimport("errors""fmt")funcdivide(a,bint)(int,error){ifb==0{return0,errors.New("division by zero")}returna/b,nil}funcmain(){result,err:=divide(10,0)iferr!=nil{fmt.Println("Error:",err)}else{fmt.Println("Result:",result)}} ...
Types, Import: s.ImportResolverFor(mainPkg), } mainPkgArchive, err := compiler.Compile(mainPkg.ImportPath, []*ast.File{mainFile}, fset, importContext, options.Minify) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to compile testmain package for %s: %w", pkg.ImportPath, err) ...
Before you can compile and run the generated API client, you need to make sure the generated source files are part of a project with the required dependencies. Your project must have a reference to theabstraction package. Additionally, you must either use the Kiota default implementations or pro...
Right imports sorting & code formatting tool (goimports alternative) gogolanggofmtgoimportssort-goimportsgoimports-reviser UpdatedNov 22, 2024 Go palantir/palantir-java-format Star507 Code Issues Pull requests A modern, lambda-friendly, 120 character Java formatter. ...
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("hello world") } Compiled withGOOS=openbsd GOARCH=arm64 go build hello.gofrom a different machine, and run on an OpenBSD VM running on my MacBook with an M3 Max chip:OpenBSD openbsd-dev.my.domain 7.4 GENERIC.MP#2273 arm64fails wit...