针对你遇到的“golang could not import fmt (open : no such file or directory)”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 检查Go语言环境是否已正确安装并配置: 打开终端,输入go version,查看是否能正确显示Go的版本信息。 如果未显示版本信息或显示错误信息,可能表示Go语言环境未正确安装。你可以访问Go语言官方网...
Reopening because this is related togopls, and I see the problem. @balainit: It looks like you may not have set up yourGOPATHcorrectly. All of your code needs to be in the/Users/alex/workspace/learngo/srcdirectory. When you run thegopls -rpc.trace -v check /Users/alex/workspace/tes...
go tool compile -S ./main.go ./main.go:3:8: could not import fmt (file not found) chimissionchanged the titlego tool compile could not import fmtFeb 22, 2023 gopherbotadded thecompiler/runtimeIssues related to the Go compiler and/or runtime.labelFeb 22, 2023 ...
Symptom: `could not import errors (cannot find package "errors" in any of c:\go\src\errors (from $GOROOT)...)` 在VS Code中,import标准库出现如上报错,或已经确认在`$GOROOT\src`和`$GOPATH\src`和`\Users\<userName>\go\src`中存在指定的文件夹,但是仍然报无法找到包的错误。 Cause: 查看发...
fmt.Println("call AFunInPartA") } 然后我们在testPartA文件夹下建立一个文件parta_test.go 内容为 package testparta import ( "testing" "parta" ) func TestPartA(t * testing.T){ parta.AFunInPartA() t.Log("OK") } 这时候我们发现parta_test.go无法编译通过,报错为could not import parta (no...
前言Go 版本 : $ go version go version go1.21.4 darwin/amd64 我想对 go 文件进行反汇编,然后就报错了: $ go tool compile -S race.go race.go:3:8: could not import sync (file
I tried reinstalling gogo version go1.19.5 windows/amd64but fail On another device f5 run without problem, also If I createhello.goand setlaunch.jsonto runhello.gothat prints something, it is running succesfully packagemainimport"fmt"funcmain(){ fmt.Println(...
handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt)) logger.addHandler(handler) return logger def worker_init_fn(worker_id): random.seed(args.manual_seed + worker_id) #在多进程数据加载时,根据传入的worker_id和手动设置的种子值来初始化随机数生成器。 # def main_process(): # return not args....