前言Go 版本 : $ go version go version go1.21.4 darwin/amd64 我想对 go 文件进行反汇编,然后就报错了: $ go tool compile -S race.go race.go:3:8: could not import sync (file
I expected the "go tool compile -S ./main.go" command to output the result normally. What did you see instead? go tool compile -S ./main.go ./main.go:3:8: could not import fmt (file not found) chimissionchanged the titlego tool compile could not import fmtFeb 22, 2023 ...
packagefile fmt=fmt.a 之后直接进行汇编: go tool compile -p twzz -importcfg importcfg.txt interface2.go 生成了.o的汇编文件;我们就可以通过指令查看我们需要的汇编代码了: go tool objdump -S -s "^twzz.p3e$" interface2.o 我们如果需要自己的汇编代码: go tool compile -p foo -o foo.a -imp...
cmd/compile: could not import "package" (cannot import "package" (type parameter bound more than once), possibly version skew - reinstall package) [1.18 backport]#51847 Closed Contributor findleyrself-assigned thisMar 21, 2022 gopherbotclosed this ascompletedinfd1b590Mar 22, 2022 ...
go: no such tool "compile"(记录) 这是一次离谱问题和胡搞一通莫名解决的记录 背景:win11系统下,原有的go1.18更新到go1.19后出现了莫名的go: no sucn tool "compile"的情况。 当时检查go env,如下: PS D:\Desktop> go env set GO111MODULE=off...
我试着用go做一个web应用程序,我需要使用"go get“,但当我使用它时,终端响应"go tool: no the "compile”。 我是围棋的初学者,我很久没有用过它了,我不确定这个问题是从哪里来的,我应该怎么解决它。 我的go环境 代码语言:javascript 复制 GO111MODULE="" GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOCACHE="/home/...
# internal/unsafeheader compile: version "go1.16" does not match go tool version "go1.16.3" # unicode/utf8 compile: version "go1.16" does not match go tool version "go1.16.3" 原因分析 我们在系统中 有多个 go 环境造成的; 如果是通过 brew install go 的方式安装的 go环境【1.16.3】; ...
Flags().BoolP("compileonly", "c", false, "Compile the test binary to pkg.test.js but do not run it (where pkg is the last element of the package's import path). The file name can be changed with the -o flag.") outputFilename := cmdTest.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "...
Before you can compile and run the generated API client, you need to make sure the generated source files are part of a project with the required dependencies. Your project must have a reference to theabstraction package. Additionally, you must either use the Kiota default implementations or pro...
每个编译阶段都有单独的工具程序负责,例如 compile、link、asm,这些工具程序可以通过go tool获得,其中用于编译的暂且称之为编译工具。 命令中有大段形如packagefile xxx/xxx=xxx.a的内容,用于指明代码中依赖和目标文件的对应关系,这些对应关系将写入importcfg/importcfg.link作为 compile/link 的配置文件。