RT,在gmx pdb2gmx命令中使用由gaussview生成的pdb文件出现了错误,好像是第四列(每种内容视为一列的...
1.1. 创建拓扑与坐标文件 gmxeditconf- 编辑模拟盒子以及写入子组(subgroups) gmxprotonate- 结构质子化 gmxx2top- 根据坐标生成原始拓扑文件 gmxsolvate - 体系溶剂化 gmxinsert-molecules- 将分子插入已有空位 gmxgenconf- 增加”随机”取向的构象 gmxgenion - 在能量有利位置加入单原子离子 gmxgenrestr- 生成索引...
第一次使用gromacs,按照教程在使用gmx pdb2gmx -f 1aki.pdb -o 1aki.gro -water spce 命令以后不...
Re: [gmx-users] compilation error in multidimarray.h Mark Abraham Re: [gmx-users] compilation error in multidimarray.h Herbert Fruchtl [gmx-users] gpu_id for more than 10 GPUs? Leandro Bortot Re: [gmx-users] gpu_id for more than 10 GPUs? Justin Lemkul [...
2楼:Originally posted by小木翔AIat 2020-03-06 13:23:19 没有修改环境变量 已经解决了,谢谢。发...
residue XXX not found in residue topology detabase for XXX. 一般都意味着你在运行pdb2gmx时选择的...
User-Agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) 3.2.7 X-Authenticated-User: densign X-Originating-IP: > > I'm having a lovely time with my old pal grompp, except for the grumpiness > > after > > replacing eight water molecules with ions in my system and discovering -- ...
修改完如图2所示。 图2:ffnonbonded.itp的部分脚本 其次开始撰写CO2.itp。建议使用GROMACS教程4.5.4版本p.131的模板进行写作。CO2的参数需要根据不同的目的而不同。本例子是为了做扩散系数,参考文献如下: Harris, Jonathan G., andKwongH. Yung."Carbon dioxide's liquid-vapor coexistence curve and critical ...
本例子是为了做扩散系数,参考文献如下:Harris, Jonathan G., and Kwong H. Yung. "Carbon dioxide's liquid-vapor coexistence curve and crit 9、ical properties as predicted by a simple molecular model." The Journal of Physical Chemistry 99.31 (1995): 12021-12024. 写完之后的文件请见图3。注意:...
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ct300418h. Download | [*.bib](MMPBSA_py_citation.bib) | [*.ris](MMPBSA_py_citation.ris) | [*.xml](MMPBSA_py_citation.xml) Please, visit [Cite gmx_MMPBSA](cite_us.md#example) page for more information on how to cite gmx_MMPBSA and the ...