|Filed under:Dud predictions,Global Cooling,Grand Solar Minimum,Snow Pack,Weather|Tags:Climate Change,Climate science,Climatology,Dud Predictions,Europe,global cooling,Grand Solar Minimum,Science and Environment,snow,Snowfall,Snowpack|1 Comment SOME OF WHAT THE “97% CONSENSUS” ASSURED US ABOUT SNOWFALL...
Two sets of experiments were designed: in the first set (EXP1), OISSTv2 daily sea-ice concentration and SST variations were used as the lower boundary forcing, while in the second set (EXP2) the SST data were replaced by the daily SST climatology. In the results, the multi-model ...
Quality class 3: NCDC and GISS surface records of recent global air temperature change Global monthly average surface air temperature since 1979 according to theNational Climatic Data Center(NCDC), USA. This time series is calculated using land surface data from theGlobal Historical Climatology Networ...
sea surface temperature (SST)GHCN datadata error analysismean square error (MSE)This article describes a spatial prediction method that predicts the monthly sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly field from the land only data. The land data are from the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)....
Then, we calculate its anomaly by subtracting its climatology for the entire given period. We applied quadratic detrending to remove the background warming trend, which is well approximated by the quadratic function (Fig. 1b). Calculation of the upper Arctic Ocean temperature anomaly We calculate ...
CESM was run for 100 year from an initial state for year 2000 and a short, one-year ocean-ice spin-up from the Gouretski and Koltermann (2004) climatology, based on the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) results and other data. Present-day greenhouse gas conditions—e.g., a fix...
A BSS of one indicates a perfect forecast, zero denotes no improvement over climatology, and negative values suggest inferior performance compared to climatology. The evolution of MJO is typically characterized using the Real-time Multivariate MJO (RMM) index, as originally developed by Wheeler and ...
a Seasonal SST climatology cycles over the period 1982 − 2011 (gray dashed line), 90th percentile threshold (black dashed line), and SST from June to October. b Probability distributions of MHW frequency in the ECS from June to October 1982 to 2023. c Interannual variability of freque...
Experimental/ atmospheric pressure atmospheric temperature climatology ocean waves/ sea surface temperature AD 1900 to 1992 global SST wave sea level pressure global SLP wave global covarying SST/SLP signal climate variability quasi-biennial signal interannual signal quasi-decadal signal interdecadal signal ...
For the future climate experiment, we add the projected change of SST from a multi-model mean of seventeen Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) models to the observed SST climatology. The future SST anomaly is the difference between the periods 2081–2100 and 1986–2005 under ...