A High-Resolution SST Climatology Set for Next Generation NOAA Coral Reef Watch Decision Support SystemJianke LiC Mark EakinFrank Muller KargerC Nim
Cloud filters developed for high-resolution (1-km) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) observations are generally inadequate to capture extreme cold events. Such events impacted shallow waters in Florida Bay and other coastal regions in Januar...
We also removed the average monthly SST biases in our simulations, which permits an improved estimate of present-day climatology. We note that it is especially difficult to capture fully the range of rainfall behaviour of the tropical Indonesian region, largely related to the challenge of modelling...
Since then a new 2° spatial resolution near-global SST analysis has been developed, which can produce a similar high-resolution climatology for any base period within the analysis period (1950-92). In this note the procedure is utilized to change the base period to 1961-90, which is the ...
The Hadley Centre Sea Ice and SST version 1.1 (HadISST) with a 1° × 1° monthly resolution from 1870 to 2022 (Rayner et al. 2003) are also used for long-term analyses. Coral data from 2005 to 2022 were extracted from Coral Map (https://www.sangomap.jp/), a Japanese data...
resolution of approximately 3 km (0.0275°). Both sets used boundary conditions from ERA5 to replicate real atmospheric conditions. The first set used SST from ERA5, while the second set included modified SST for which the signal correlated with long-term global near-surface air temperature ...
Many of the decisions in terms of physics schemes and dynamical core options were influenced by the ongoing CORDEX-HRSST initiative, aimed at examining the impact of high-resolution SST on precipitation estimates. Furthermore, they draw upon existing literature and the experience gained from ...
7g and h). The MPI-ESM1-2-HR model also overestimates Greenland Sea SST; meanwhile MPI-ESM1-2-XR (with a higher-resolution atmospheric component) slightly underestimates SST over this region. These model biases suggest that the coupling mechanism and sea-air interaction within the models ...
However, the variability of SST near the tidal flat is poorly understood owing to difficulties in making in-situ observations. The high resolution of Landsat 8 enabled us to determine the variability of SST near the macro tidal flat. The spatial distribution of the SST extracted from Landsat 8...
Numerical simulation was conducted using the JMA Nonhydrostatic Model27(NHM). The mesoscale gridded analysis data derived from the JMA and HIM SST were used for the initial and lateral boundary conditions of the NHM. The horizontal resolution was 2 km grid spacings. The NHM is a z* hybrid ...