DICE.jl - The Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy model family are a popular and capable type of simple Integrated Assessment Model of climate-change economics pioneered by William Nordhaus. LPJmL - A process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the ...
Bothr- andp-values were computed using Python’s “scipy.stats” module and the three (r,p) pairs appear in the table’s bottom row; they are for the 200-hPa geopotential and the ST field in the CESM simulation, along with the 200-hPa geopotential in the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. Ther-v...
GCAM - A dynamic-recursive model with technology-rich representations of the economy, energy sector, land use and water linked to a climate model that can be used to explore climate change mitigation policies including carbon taxes, carbon trading, regulations and accelerated deployment of energy tec...
Chapter 1 Forecasting Models for Urban Warming in Climate Change Joachim Fallmann, Stefan Emeis, Sven Wagner, Christine Ketterer, Andreas Matzarakis, Ilona Krüzselyi, Gabriella Zsebeházi, Mária Kovács, Tomáš Halenka, Peter Huszár, Michal Belda, Rodica To...
In this study, we investigated whether the use of wood as a building material is beneficial for climate change mitigation when considering carbon opportunity costs, which represent the amount of carbon prevented from accumulating in forests due to wood extraction. We introduce the climate optimum ...
2. Research on downscaling of large-scale climate change to a local scale 3. Research on simulation of urban development and microclimate 4. Research on assessment of urban climate change vulnerability 5. Research on integrated assessment of urban climate change risk 6. Prospects for future research...
Although the climate of the HKH has changed significantly in the past, it is projected to change more dramatically in the near future. It iswell-establishedthat the warming in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been comparable in magnitude to the averages for the Northern Hemisphere and the same ...
DICE.jl - The Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy model family are a popular and capable type of simple Integrated Assessment Model of climate change economics pioneered by William Nordhaus. LPJmL - A process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the ...
DICE.jl - The Dynamic Integrated model of Climate and the Economy model family are a popular and capable type of simple Integrated Assessment Model of climate change economics pioneered by William Nordhaus. LPJmL - A process-based model that simulates climate and land-use change impacts on the ...
We further project the sector-wise results onto a regional module. These kind of regional projections help us to glean information on the regional distribution of the effects of the climate change modelled at country-wide level. In general, in the Ethiopian context, it can be argued that the ...