At molecular level, the key drivers are metastasis-specific genes, which are induced at the later stages of tumor progression and could be targeted by metastasis-specific therapies. Metastasis-specific loss of heterozygosity and loss of gene expression [34] has been used to identify a class of ...
The classic perception of the brain as an immune-privileged organ with very limited immune activity is outdated1. Recent research connects brain function and immunosurveillance to guardian immune cells assembling on the outer borders of the brain, which has changed the way we currently view brain im...
Doctors don’t group glioblastoma by stages. Instead, they give all brain cancers a “grade.” It ranges from 1 to 4. The grade is based on how the cancer cells look under a microscope and how likely they are to reproduce. Glioblastomas are always recognized as grade 4 brain cancer. Th...
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common primary brain tumour in adults and continues to portend poor survival, despite multimodal treatment using surgery and chemoradiotherapy. The addition of tumour-treating fields (TTFields)—an approach in which alternating electrical fields exert biophysical ...
Since immunological factors and changes in cytokinetics are apparently active after the transformed tumour cells proliferate, all available therapeutic methods, including radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy of glioblastoma only influence the final stages of neoplastic development with clinical manifestation...
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common high-grade primary malignant brain tumor with an extremely poor prognosis. Given the poor survival with currently approved treatments for GBM, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Advances in decades of in
Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common high-grade primary malignant brain tumor with an extremely poor prognosis. Given the poor survival with currently approved treatments for GBM, new therapeutic strategies are urgently needed. Advances in decades of investment in basic science of glioblastoma are ra...
This research has now been expanded and a Phase III trial is now in the final planning and implementation stages. Larger Phase II trials have demonstrated a statistically significant effect of AdV expressing TK + GCV in patients suffering form GBM. Other alternative conditional cytotoxic approaches,...
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive primary brain tumor with a poor prognosis. The 2021 WHO CNS5 classification has further stressed the importance of molecular signatures in diagnosis although therapeutic breakthroughs are still lacking. In this review article, updates on the current and novel therapies...
1. Fig. 1. Brain tumor segmentation pipeline using U-Net and FCN Glioblastoma Survival Prediction 511 3.2 Survival Prediction The proposed survival prediction pipeline essentially involves three stages, (1) feature extraction stage, (2) feature selection stage, and (3) feature classification/...