jobs:tests:runs-on:ubuntu-lateststeps: -uses:actions/checkout@v4-uses:dorny/paths-filter@v3id:filterwith:filters:|backend:- 'backend/**'frontend:- 'frontend/**'#run only if 'backend' files were changed-name:backend testsif:steps.filter.outputs.backend == 'true'run:...#run only if '...
action-paths-filterPublicForked fromdorny/paths-filter Conditionally run actions based on files modified by PR, feature branch or pushed commits TypeScript0MIT26400UpdatedFeb 22, 2024 nx-set-shasPublicForked fromnrwl/nx-set-shas ✨ A Github Action which sets the base and head SHAs required ...
2. Proxy filter Once the context is gathered and the prompt is built, it passes securely to a proxy server hosted in a GitHub-owned Microsoft Azure tenant. The proxy filters traffic, blocking attempts to hack the prompt or manipulate the system into revealing details...
Use the paths filter when you want to include file path patterns or when you want to both include and exclude file path patterns. Use the paths-ignore filter when you only want to exclude file path patterns. You cannot use both the paths and paths-ignore filters for the same event in a...
For more information about glob patterns, see the "Filter pattern cheat sheet." 示例:包括分支和标记 在branches 和tags 中定义的模式根据 Git ref 的名称进行评估。 例如,在 branches 中定义的模式 mona/octocat 将匹配 refs/heads/mona/octocat Git ref。 模式 releases/** 将匹配 refs/heads/releases/10...
00", "updated_at": "2017-06-06T11:23:23.000-07:00", "single_file_name": "config.yml", "has_multiple_single_files": true, "single_file_paths": [ "config.yml", ".github/" ], "app_slug": "github-actions", "suspended_at": null, "suspended_by": null } ] ...
Thepathsandpaths-ignorekeywords accept glob patterns that use the*and**wildcard characters to match more than one path name. For more information, see theWorkflow syntax for GitHub Actions. Example: Including paths If at least one path matches a pattern in thepathsfilter, the workflow runs. Fo...
2. Proxy filterOnce the context is gathered and the prompt is built, it passes securely to a proxy server hosted in a GitHub-owned Microsoft Azure tenant. The proxy filters traffic, blocking attempts to hack the prompt or manipulate the system into revealing details ...
Conditionally run actions based on files modified by PR, feature branch or pushed commits Forescout/paths-filter’s past year of commit activity TypeScript0MIT27000UpdatedApr 18, 2024 file-existence-actionPublicForked fromandstor/file-existence-action ...
bufferevent_filter.c Fix typos (#1634) Apr 30, 2024 bufferevent_mbedtls.c bufferevent_ssl: do not return NULL from upcast Feb 19, 2024 bufferevent_openssl.c Fix -Wcast-function-type errors Jun 2, 2024 bufferevent_pair.c Fix typos (#1634) ...