Set exclude_assets to empty for including the .github directory to deployment assets.- name: Deploy uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v4 with: deploy_key: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY }} # Recommended for this usage # personal_token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_TOKEN }} # An alternative # ...
Excludehelpers/*.jsfrom codecov (#14342) Mar 10, 2022 eslint.config.mjs [babel 8] Use@babel/typesfor parser's return type (#17117) Feb 14, 2025 jest.config.js Strip NodeJS release tag (#17034) Dec 25, 2024 make.cmd feat: Make mostmakecommands cross-platform (#14671) ...
Les mots cléspathsetpaths-ignoreacceptent des modèles globaux qui utilisent les caractères génériques*et**pour faire correspondre plusieurs noms de chemin d’accès. Pour plus d’informations, consultez «Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions». Exemple : Inclusion de chemins d’accès Si au...
on:push:paths-ignore:-'docs/**' Example: Including and excluding paths You cannot usepathsandpaths-ignoreto filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude path patterns for a single event, use thepathsfilter prefixed with the!character to indicate which...
# 使用一个Actions 使用uses关键字,with表明参数-name:Setup Nodeuses:actions/setup-node@v1with:node-version:'10.x'# 使用多路径的缓存帮助构建-name:Cache multiple pathsuses:actions/cache@v2with:path:|~/cache!~/cache/exclude**/node_moduleskey:${{runner.os}}-${{hashFiles('**/lockfiles')}}...
这是github的Actions页面 图中可以看到,最后一次提交的代码,在Windows、Ubuntu、MacOS、Android、IOS五个 平台都编译通过了(通过显示绿色的对勾✔,未通过显示红色的叉❌)。 CI一般都会带徽章的,用来显示CI的状态。 涛哥是个徽章爱好者,把这些徽章都链接进了README文件中。别人在预览代码仓库的时候, ...
GitHub Actions/了解GitHub Actions/工作流程语法 Article version Enterprise Server 2.22 本文内容 关于工作流程的 YAML 语法 name on 示例:使用单一事件 示例:使用事件列表 示例:使用具有活动类型或配置的多个事件 on.<event_name>.types on.<push|pull_request>.<branches|tags> on.<push|pull_request>.paths ...
on:push:paths-ignore:-'docs/**' Example: Including and excluding paths You cannot usepathsandpaths-ignoreto filter the same event in a single workflow. If you want to both include and exclude path patterns for a single event, use thepathsfilter prefixed with the!character to indicate which...
Build a reactive microservice at your pace, not theirs. Armeria is your go-to microservice framework for any situation. You can build any type of microservice leveraging your favorite technologies, including gRPC, Thrift, Kotlin, Retrofit, Reactive Streams, Spring Boot and Dropwizard. It is ope...