Description fix action path in CI workflow Issues List the issue or RFC link this PR is working on. If there is no such link, please mark it asn/a. Type of change List the type of change like below. Please delete options that are not relevant. Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixe...
path: | build/*.exe build/*.zip build/*.tar.gz build/*.deb build/*.rpm build/*.dmg - name: release uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1 with: files: "build/*" files: | "build/app-*" "build/eSearch-*" draft: false prerelease: true generate_release_notes: true 0 comments on...
Change path of GitHub build action I have a GitHub Action that is using the default Microsoft template for building an ASP.Net Core app to an Azure App Service. At the top of the action, you can declare some environment variables. I have these set as follows: name: Build and deploy ASP...
Steps to Reproduce: right click on a file (explorer, open editors, editor tab) find only "Copy Path" => would be nice to Alt click to get Copy Relative Pathbpasero added feature-request verification-needed labels Jul 2, 2018 bpasero added this to the July 2018 milestone Jul 2, 2018...
resilience4j启动报Action: Correct the classpath of your application so that it contains a single, compatible version of io.github.resilience4j.circuitbreaker.CircuitBreakerRegistry错 我用到重试 并且yml配置好了 启动报错 突然想到 在pom中需要排除未配置项 如下...
[0x170e0b4] /home/runner/work/_actions/cypress-io/github-action/v5/dist/index.js:3900 error = new Error(`The process '${this.toolPath}' failed with exit code ${this.processExitCode}`); ^ Error: The process '/opt/hostedtoolcache/node/18.19.0/x64/bin/npm' failed with exit code ...
Fix scons cache action path #669 Merged chippmann merged 1 commit into master from bugfix/fix_scons_cache Aug 30, 2024 +5 −5 Conversation 0 Commits 1 Checks 54 Files changed 5 Conversation Contributor chippmann commented Aug 29, 2024 This fixes the scons cache action path. Should...
Issue The following example directories report high severity vulnerabilities due to their transient dependency usage of path-to-regexp@2.2.1: Check with npm audit: examples/config examples/start Check with pnpm audit: examples/start-and-...
Action for Exiftool. Include it in the path without installing, run multiple versions - GitHub - woss/exiftool-action: Action for Exiftool. Include it in the path without installing, run multiple versions
The current maintainer of this action is @eregon. Most of the Windows logic is based on work by MSP-Greg. Many thanks to MSP-Greg and Lars Kanis for the help with Ruby Installer.About An action to download a prebuilt Ruby and add it to the PATH in 5 seconds