1. 小的错误就立即在本地更改,然后提交,push就ok了, 2. git revert commit_id 其中commit_id可以是历史的任意一个id,而且生成一个这个id相反的更改并且自动commit,自动生成log,push后就完成了。 <二> 修改历史的情况:(在清除敏感信息的情况下有用) 1. 清除最近一次commit: a) 直接修改上游服务器上的数据:...
Undo git stash pop/drop/clear Undo accidental file delete (提交后恢复已删除的文件) Undo (Restore) a file to a previous version Undo git merge Undo git cherry-pick Undo git tag 以下两个操作暂时不支持 Undo git rebase Undo git worktree remove 应该举例 Undo git add 0 Undo git branch -D 0...
16.push // 推送tag到远程仓库 git push origin v1.5 // 所有不在远程仓库服务器上的标签全部传送到那里 git push origin --tags // 删除远程仓库中的tag git push origin --delete v1.5 // 推送本地master分支到远端 git push origin master // 推送当前分支到远端 git push ...
My laptop connects via ssh to my pc and from the laptop I push to the pc (having added a ssh remote). Because I cannot push to a branch that is checked out (on the pc from the laptop), I have on the pc two branches (master and laptop-master). So I push and then on the pc...
Git,选择分支后,右键 Undo Commit ,会把这个 commit 撤销。 git撤销(取消) 已经 push 的 commit 备份分支内容: 选中分支, 新建 分支,避免后续因为操作不当,导致内容丢失。 点击Git 分支,选择 Remote 的分支, Reset Current Branch To Here。 可以将 分支回退到这个 commit (这个 commit 的内容会保留) ...
–git push origin [branch]:将本地仓库的代码推送到远程仓库。 –git fetch [remote]:从远程仓库获取最新的代码,但不做合并操作。 4. 分支与合并相关命令: –git branch:查看所有分支。 –git branch [branch]:创建一个新的分支。 –git checkout [branch]:切换到指定分支。
For example, maybe you're working on a new feature that isn't ready yet, and then you need to rollback to a previous commit. In this post, we'll explore ways to undo changes in Git. So, next time you think you've made a commit in error, you'll have no reason at all to ...
In the previous section, we have seen how you can easily undo the last commit bypreserving the changes done to the filesin the index. In some cases, you simply want toget rid of the commit and the changes done to the files. This is the purpose of the “–hard” option. ...
Undo Last Git Commit in GitKraken When you make a mistake in GitKraken, the solution is just one-click away. If you make a mistake with your last commit and wish to undo the last Git commit before you push, you can simply click the magicalUndobutton at the toolbar at the top of the...
You can commit partial changes using the index, but checkout/push/pull of commits are always operations on the entire tree. (I'm not familiar with TortoiseGit, but if it added these features, then it would necessarily be incompatible with command-line Git due to needing to exte...