如果不是特别重要的 commit, commit 提交错了,可以在本地重新编辑后,重新提交 commit。 如果确实需要撤销 commit,可以按以下两种情况处理。 git撤销(取消) 未 push的 commit Git,选择分支后,右键 Undo Commit ,会把这个 commit 撤销。 git撤销(取消) 已经 push 的 commit 备份分支内容: 选中分支, 新建 分支,避...
二、修改最近一次的提交信息 Fix the last commit message 场景:你只是在最后的提交信息中敲错了字,比如你敲了git commit -m "Fxies bug #42",而在执行git push之前你已经意识到你应该敲"Fixes bug #42"。 使用撤销命令:git commit –amend或git commit --amend -m "Fixes bug #42" 发生了什么:git co...
你还没有push,并且这个提交也不是最近的提交,因此你不能用commit –amend。 使用撤销命令:git commit --squash和git rebase --autosquash -i 发生了什么:git commit –squash将会创建一个新的提交,该提交信息可能像这样“squash! Earlier commit”。(你也可以手写这些提交信息,commit –squash只是省得让你打字了)...
git reset HEAD^ --hard git push mathnet -f 2. 清除最近一次的上一次commit(任意一个commit都可以) git rebase -i dd61ab32^(dd61ab32 是任意的一次commit) 然后会弹出用vi编辑器打开的修改里表,用dd删除不应出现的更改行,然后:wq退出完成更改 git push mathnet -f 3. 修正打字 Note:-f 和 前面...
Undo Last Git Commit in GitKraken When you make a mistake in GitKraken, the solution is just one-click away. If you make a mistake with your last commit and wish to undo the last Git commit before you push, you can simply click the magicalUndobutton at the toolbar at the top of the...
The new commit and message will seem on GitHub the next time you push. Also Check:How To Undo Last Git Commit How to Amend the latest Git Commit Message? Are you looking for the process of amending the latest Git commit message? This section will explain you clearly. In case the message...
I wanted to undo the last changes I made to a file both on my local repo and the repo on Github. (origin) Could someone please point me to a post/blog of doing it. Here are the steps I did for committing the changes: git add -A git commit -m "changed header" git push origin...
git push -f origin HEAD^:master this command will rewind the remote repository back on one commit. To undo a pull, you can do this: git reset --hard {hash of the last commit before pull} Having a central bare repository will be helpful, but... it's just another git repository ...
What if after committing a series of changes, you make some changes that really should have been a part of the last commit? There's a way to undo—or more accurately, amend—the most recent commit. We can amend the last commit by running the git commit --amend command. Running this ...
换句话说,--merge执行类似于git read tree-u-m<commit>的操作,但会转发未合并的索引项。 --keep 重置索引项并更新工作树中<commit>和head之间不同的文件。如果<commit>和head之间不同的文件发生了本地更改,重置将中止。 If you want to undo a commit other than the latest on a branch,is your friend...