git-send-email.perl git-svn.perl ...
git rebase –abort将会终止rebase,当前分支将会回到rebase之前的状态. git push push your new branches and data to a remote repository. git push [alias] [branch] 将会把当前分支merge到alias上的[branch]分支.如果分支已经存在,将会更新,如果不存在,将会添加这个分支. 如果有多个人向同一个remote repo push...
With git reflog check which commit is one prior the merge(git reflog will be better option than git log ). Then you can reset it using: git reset --hard commit_sha
Usinggit resetto Undo a Merge in Your Local Repository You can use thegit resetcommand to return to the revision before the merge, thereby effectively undoing it: $ git reset --hard <commit-before-merge> You will need to replace<commit-before-merge>with the hash of the commit that occurre...
git fetch // before push, do the fetch again. git push -u <origin> <master> // push the local repository changes to remote repository, -u option make the branch as a tracking branch. HEAD pointer to "tip" of current branch inrepository (not stage & working dir). ...
push 命令:将本地库内容推送到远程库 clone 命令:从远程库克隆到本地库 pull 命令:从远程库拉取资源到本地库(可能由于信息不同步,一部分资料本地没有) 跨团队协作 pull request命令:A团队远程库拉取B团队远程库时,pull请求需要经过B团队的审核,审核同意后才能拉取 merge 命令:审核通过,则将B远程库中更新的东...
10. git merge:合并两个分支的代码。 11. git pull:从远程仓库拉取最新的代码。 12. git push:将本地仓库的代码推送到远程仓库。 13. git stash:暂存当前的修改。 14. git reset:回滚到指定的提交。 15. git remote:管理远程仓库。 16. git fetch:从远程仓库获取最新的代码。
git log --since --before --until --after 根据提交时间筛选log. --no-merges可以将merge的commits排除在外. git log --grep 根据commit信息过滤log: git log --grep=keywords 默认情况下, git log --grep --author是OR的关系,即满足一条即被返回,如果你想让它们是AND的关系,可以加上--all-match的opt...
git reset --merge Is this command dangerous ? How can I undo a pull or a push from/to a remote ? Do I need a "central" repository for avoiding conflicts (I think this means a bare repository) ? Why it is not possible to push to a branch on a remote that is checked out ? Ca...
In this case Git will attempt to undo the old change while leaving intact any changes made since then. If more recent changes overlap with the changes to be reverted, then you will be asked to fix conflicts manually, just as in the case of resolving a merge. Fixing a mistake by rewritin...