得到下面的解决方法: 原文如下: To change the author and committer, you can do this (with linebreaks in the string which is possible in bash): git filter-branch --env-filter...
这是因为之前git commit已提交的Email和现在正要提交的Email冲突,把它改成一致就OK了。 git commit已提交的Author信息可以通过git log查看 $git log commit 6554439743d91d424e006734cfe7fca758b21b81 Author: username Date: Wed Sep 19 16:14:20 2012 +0800 add driver of ltr558 to jb-8x25-fc Change-Id...
git config “` 需要注意的是,更改作者信息只会影响之后的提交,不会影响之前的提交记录。如果要修改已经提交的作者信息,可以使用 `git filter-branch` 或 `git commit –amend` 命令进行修改。但是,在对共享的分支或公共历史进行更改之前请谨慎操作,并确保团队成员明确同意 this kind of change. git修...
[2].修改当前提交的用户名和邮箱(未push到远程仓库)修改当前Projectgit config 你的用户名; git config 你的邮箱名; 修改全局git config --global user.n...
git commit --amend --author="new-name <>" 修改Git 全部Commit提交记录的用户名Name和邮箱Email 原文(有删改): 准备 在项目根目录下创建email.sh写入下面这段代码 #!/bin/shgit filter-branch --env-filter' ...
Changing Your Git Author Identity There are three ways to change your committer identity in Git. All of these methodsonlyaffect future commits, not past ones! Changing Your Committer Name & EmailGlobally You can run the "git config" command with the --global flag; this will make sureallof ... #!/bin/bash cd 仓库路径 git filter-branch --force --env-filter ' if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" = "老的用户名" ] || [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "老的用户邮箱" ]; then #替换用户名为新的用户名,替换邮箱为正确的邮箱 GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="bingoogolapple"; G
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME= "scrum-3" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL= "" # Enable unit tests. This is only supported for a few languages. [unitTest] Expand Down 4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions4config/content.htm Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change ... #!/bin/sh git filter-branch --env-filter ' an="$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" am="$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" cn="$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME" cm="$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "要修改的@邮箱地址.com" ] then cn="想要改成的用户名" cm="想要改成的邮箱" fi if [ ...
正常在提交时git会默认使用当前项目设置的作者信息,如果未设置则使用本机git全局配置,但在提交时可以通过--author参数指定提交人,参数格式必须为name<email> git commit -m "change author" --author "aotian<>" 可以看到最新一次的提交作业已经与前两次的不一致了。