git commit -m "Initial commit" --author="mn <>" 通过git commit命令将暂存区内容添加到本地仓库后,git会生成相应的commit id。后续我们就可以针对指定的commit id 进行操作,比如,回退到某个commit id,拉取指定commit id的代码等。 下面我们针对上面的三种情况进行讲述。 修改上次提交的commit...
git批量修改已经提交的commit的姓名和邮箱 首先,我们创建change.sh脚本,并根据个人信息复制以下脚本。 #!/bin/sh git filter-branch --env-filter ' OLD_EMAIL="填写原来的邮箱" CORRECT_NAME="填写现在的名称" CORRECT_EMAIL="填写现在的邮箱" if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "$OLD_EMAIL" ] then export ...
git commit 修改author信息 一、修改一条提交: git commit --amend --author="作者 <邮箱>"--no-edit git push --force -f, --force 强制提交,否则服务端认为你是有误的修改 参考、来源: 来源:博客园 著作权归原作者所有。商业转...
This effectively replaces the last commit with your "edited" version, correcting the wrong author information.Using Interactive RebaseInteractive Rebase is the Swiss Army Knife of tools in Git: it allows you to do and change almost anything. However, being as powerful as it is, this also ...
commit 1 (HEAD -> branch1)Author: a Date: Thu Nov 22 16:22:59 2018 +0800 commit 1 ⼀、如何重置本项⽬⽤户信息:$ git config 'b'$ git config ⼆、使⽤amend命令修改commit信息(注: amend命令只会修改最后⼀次commit的信息,之前的commit需要使...
一、批量修改所有 Git commit 提交者信息的步骤: 设置用户信息:首先,你需要在本地仓库中设置用户信息。在命令行中输入以下命令: git config --local '你的名字' git config --local '你的邮箱' 这将设置你的用户名和邮箱,这些信息将用于后续的 commit 信息。 Rewriting the history is done with “git filter-branch” by walking through the complete history. For each commit, filters are applied after which the cha...
command — every commit in the rangeHEAD~3..HEADwith a changed messageand all of its descendantswill be rewritten. Don’t include any commit you’ve already pushed to a central server — doing so will confuse other developers by providing an alternate version of the same change. ...
# 将代码提交到本地仓库,不commit不会提交更改 git commit -m 'first commit' # 将本地代码推到远程仓库master分支上 git push origin master # 当远程很本地冲突时,应先把远程代码pull过来,再push上去 git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories # 将本地仓库中的代码提交到远程服务器的master分支...
Apply the changesets in order, making new commits preserving author information. Finally, update the branch ref to point to the new tip commit. The process of making new commits with the same changesets as existing ones is called âreplayingâ those commits. Step 4 can be...