在命令中,将“New Author Name” 替换为新的作者姓名,将 `new-email@example.com` 替换为新的作者邮箱。 2. 修改多个提交的提交人信息: 如果需要修改多个提交的提交人信息,可以使用 Git 的 `filter-branch` 命令。下面是具体的步骤: – 创建一个脚本文件(例如 `change-author.sh`),内容如下: “`bash #!
git config –global user.name “Your New Name” # 修改用户名 git config –global user.email “yournewemail@example.com” # 修改邮箱 “` 将命令中的”Your New Name”替换为新的作者姓名,”yournewemail@example.com”替换为新的作者邮箱。 3. 在终端或命令行窗口中,输入以下命令,用于验证修改是否成...
Changing the Git history of your repository using a script We've created a script that will change any commits that previously had the old email address in its author or committer fields to use the correct name and email address. Note: Running this script rewrites history for all repository c...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/750172/change-the-author-and-committer-name-and-e-mail-of-multiple-commits-in-git 得到下面的解决方法: 原文如下: To change the author and committer, you can do this (with linebreaks in the string which is possible in bash): git filter-branch --env-filter...
下面是改日志中用户名信息的一个shell 脚本: 以上脚本已经过测试,用户只需将下面引号之间的信息改成你自己的信息就可以了。 Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/750172/change-the-author-and-committer-name-and-e-mail-of-multiple-commits-in-git...
正常在提交时git会默认使用当前项目设置的作者信息,如果未设置则使用本机git全局配置,但在提交时可以通过--author参数指定提交人,参数格式必须为name<email> git commit -m "change author" --author "aotian<7610aotian@sina.com>" 可以看到最新一次的提交作业已经与前两次的不一致了。
git commit --amend --reset-author --no-edit git rebase --continue git push --force-with-lease 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 参考文献 [1].How to change the commit author for one specific commit?https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3042437/how-to-change-the-commit...
GIT_AUTHOR_NAME= "scrum-3" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL= "scrum3@mde.tw" # Enable unit tests. This is only supported for a few languages. [unitTest] Expand Down 4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions4config/content.htm Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change ...
Changing Your Git Author IdentityThere are three ways to change your committer identity in Git. All of these methods only affect future commits, not past ones!Changing Your Committer Name & Email GloballyYou can run the "git config" command with the --global flag; this will make sure all ...
Author: username Date: Wed Sep 19 16:14:20 2012 +0800 add driver of ltr558 to jb-8x25-fc Change-Id: Ic81c54f91874be3b4366a2af9729a0251f44f40c 配置全局的用户名和邮箱 git config --global user.name"Your Name"git config --global user.email you@example.com ...