ggplot() + # add a points layer on top geom_point(aes(x = year, y = avg_lifeExp)) + # add a lines layer ontopgeom_line(aes(x = year, y = avg_lifeExp)) 发生这种情况是因为您现在每年都有多个平均预期寿命值,但您没有指定哪些值一起使用。 要修复此图,您需要通过在geom_line()图层...
Lines (ggplot2)- Add lines to a graph. Facets (ggplot2)- Slice up data and graph the subsets together in a grid. Multiple graphs on one page (ggplot2) Colors (ggplot2) 学了那么多语法,就在菜谱里面把握细节吧! 最后一个是 你会发现,你想实现的各种稀奇古怪的绘图...
Legends (ggplot2) Lines (ggplot2) - Add lines to a graph. Facets (ggplot2) - Slice up data and graph the subsets together in a grid. Multiple graphs on one page (ggplot2) Colors (ggplot2) 学了那么多语法,就在菜谱里面把握细节吧! 最后一个是 你会发现,你想...
library(dplyr)lines<-dat%>%group_by(cond)%>%summarise(x=mean(xval),ymin=min(yval),ymax=max(yval))# Add colored lines for the mean xval of each groupsp+geom_hline(aes(yintercept=10))+geom_linerange(aes(x=x,y=NULL,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax),data=lines)#> Warning: Ignoring unknown...
gapminder%>%filter(year==2007)%>%# specify global aesthetic mappingsggplot(aes(x=gdpPercap,y=lifeExp))+# add a points layer on topgeom_point()+# add a smoothedLOESSlayergeom_smooth(method="loess") 我们还可以将points geom图层与line geom图层或任何其他类型的geom图层组合在一起。 线图适用于...
ggp2<-ggp1+# Add line to barplotgeom_line(aes(group, responses*max(sample),group=1), col="#1b98e0", lwd=3)ggp2 Figure 2 shows an updated version of our barchart: This time we have added a line on top of the bars. Note that this line represents a different variable than the ...
gg1 <- gg + theme( # 设置标题大小,face="bold"字体加粗 plot.title=element_text(size=30, face="bold"), axis.text.x=element_text(size=15), axis.text.y=element_text(size=15), axis.title.x=element_text(size=25), axis.title.y=element_text(size=25)) + # add title and axis text...
#Scatterplots(sp)sp<-ggscatter(mtcars,x="wt",y="mpg",add="reg.line",#Add regression line,#Add confidenceintervalcolor="cyl",palette="jco",#Colorbygroupcylshape="cyl"#Change point shape by groups cyl)+stat_cor(aes(color=cyl),label.x=3)#Add correlation coefficientsp ...
# add axis lables and plot title 添加标签 labs(title="Scatterplot", x="Carat", y="Price") print(gg) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 图的主要标题已添加,并且X和Y轴标签大写。注意:如果要在函数内部显示ggplot,则需要显式保存它,然后使用进行打印print(gg),就像我们上面所做的那样。
ggdensity(df,x="weight",add = "mean",rug = TRUE,color = "sex",fill = "sex",palette= c("#00AFBB", "#E7B800")) 柱状图 } 1 gghistogram(df,x="weight",add = "mean",rug = TRUE,color = "sex",fill = "sex",palette ...