1. 水平和垂直线 rm(list=ls())library(ggplot2)# Simple scatter plotsp<-ggplot(data=mtcars,aes(x=wt,y=mpg))+geom_point()# Add horizontal line at y = 2Osp+geom_hline(yintercept=20)# Change line type and colorsp+geom_hline(yintercept=20,linetype="dashed",color="red")# Change li...
Point shapes, colors and size Add text annotations to a graph Line types Themes and background colors Axis scales and transformations Axis ticks: customize tick marks and labels, reorder and select items Add straight lines to a plot: horizontal, vertical and regression lines Rotate a plot: flip...
library(dplyr)lines<-dat%>%group_by(cond)%>%summarise(x=mean(xval),ymin=min(yval),ymax=max(yval))# Add colored lines for the mean xval of each groupsp+geom_hline(aes(yintercept=10))+geom_linerange(aes(x=x,y=NULL,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax),data=lines)#> Warning: Ignoring unknown...
My preferred use of it is to prepare the plot, add horizontal lines and then plot the bars. However, when executed as shown below, R produces duplicated plots, which is not visually appealing. To create an equivalent normal plot, I searched forplot(NULL, xlim=c(1,2), ylim=c(3,5), ...
lineend = "butt" , # 线段的头是圆润的、不规则、直角 "round", "butt", "square" inherit.blank = F # 如果T就去掉了这条 ), legend.background =element_rect(fill = "lightgray", # 更改图例背景颜色 color = "blue", # 更改图例边框颜色,为了不和下面panel.border冲突就不在此更改 ...
使用add_heatmap函数组合多个热图或注释信息 add_heatmap(h1, h2)添加小图形 ## # 添加point注释信息...
Lines (ggplot2) - Add lines to a graph. Facets (ggplot2) - Slice up data and graph the subsets together in a grid. Multiple graphs on one page (ggplot2) Colors (ggplot2) 学了那么多语法,就在菜谱里面把握细节吧! 最后一个是 https://stackoverflow.com/ ...
# Make room for annotationsplt<-plt+theme(plot.margin =margin(0.05,0,0.1,0.01,"npc"))# Print the ggplot2 plotplt# Add horizontal line on top# It goes from x = 0 (left) to x = 1 (right) on the very top of the chart (y = 1)# You can think of 'gp' and 'gpar' as 'gra...
3.2 如何在绘图中的任何地方添加注释(How to Add Annotations Anywhere inside Plot) 4. 翻转和反转X和Y轴(Flipping and Reversing X and Y Axis) 4.1 如何翻转X和Y轴?(How to flip the X and Y axis?) ...
Lines (ggplot2)) - Add lines to a graph. Facets (ggplot2)) - Slice up data and graph the subsets together in a grid. Multiple graphs on one page (ggplot2)) Colors (ggplot2)) 学了那么多语法,就在菜谱里面把握细节吧! 最后一个是https://stackoverflow.com/ ...