data<-data.frame(name,value)data_reorder<-data%>%mutate(names=fct_reorder(name,value))ggplot(data=data_reorder)+geom_col(aes(x=names,y=value))+labs(title="Order by value")+theme(plot.title=element_text(hjust=0.5,color="red")) Order by value.png 参数设置:.desc = TRUE从大到小排列 ...
例如,如果要按照某个变量的均值对数据进行排序,可以使用以下代码:data <- data %>% mutate(variable = reorder(variable, -mean(value))) ggplot(data, aes(x = variable, y = value)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")这将根据变量的均值对数据进行排序,并在图表中显示排序后的结果。 使用scale_x_discret...
guides(color = guide_legend(order = "desc")) 在上述示例代码中,首先创建了一个示例数据集data,其中包含时间序列变量time、数值变量value和类别变量category。然后使用ggplot()函数创建了一个基础图形,并使用geom_line()函数绘制了时间序列图。通过labs()函数设置了图形的标题和坐标轴标签。接下来使用scale_color_m...
‘中价值’,‘低价值’), times = 3) nums <- c(500,287,123,156,720,390,80,468,1200) df <- data.frame(value1 = value1, value2 = value2, nums = nums) dfvalue1, levels = c(‘高价值’,‘中价值’,‘低价值’), order = TRUE) dfvalue2, levels = c(‘低价值...
在geom_bar加上参数position = position_stack(reverse=TRUE),重点是reverse=TRUE。注意要加在geom_bar...
计算四分位数:B <- A %>% group_by(GeneSymbol) %>% mutate(upper = quantile(S100...
In aline plot, observations are ordered by x value and connected by a line. x value (for x axis) can be : date : for a time series data texts discrete numeric values continuous numeric values This article describes how to create a line plot using the ggplot2 R package ...
na.value = 'grey50', guide = 'colourbar', aesthetics = 'colour') low、high 设定渐变的两种颜色 na.value 空值的颜色 guide 图例的形式,连续型“colourbar”、离散型'legend' aesthetics 设定颜色映射通道 “fill”、'colour' ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy, color = hwy)) geom_point() scale_color_...
## Cast into a matrix shape and arrange by first column require(reshape2) tmp <- dcast(df, group ~ x, value.var="y") ord <- order(tmp[,2]) tmp <- tmp[ord,] <-*diff(range(tmp[,-1])) yshift <- numeric(nrow(tmp)) ...
byrow = FALSE, reverse = FALSE, order = 0, ... ) 例如,下面的代码只绘制了一个简单的图例 df <- expand.grid(X1 = 1:10, X2 = 1:10) df$value <- df$X1 * df$X2 p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(X1, X2)) + geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) ...