- dcast(df, group ~ x, value.var="y") ord <- order(tmp[,2]) tmp <- ...
当我使用ggplot2创建跟踪条形图时 ggplot(mDataSpecies, aes(x = Sites, y = value,fill=variable)) + geom_bar(stat='identity', show.legend = FALSE) 我得到的bars是一个可读性不太好的连续我正在尝试获取具有类似于的颜色模式的图我尝试了不同的调色板,如RColorBrewer,但它们不适合大型数据集。 浏览...
Once you’ve finalized your graph, you can export it as an image. You also have access to the underlying R code that generated the plot cand can send it back to the R console for re-use or additional tweaking. For example, I didn’t see an option to sort bars by ascending or desce...
Order bars by groups and by mpg values df2 <- df %>% arrange(cyl, mpg) %>% mutate(rowname = factor(rowname, levels = rowname)) ggplot(df2, aes(x = rowname, y = mpg)) + geom_col( aes(fill = cyl)) + scale_fill_viridis_d() + rotate_x_text(45) ...
Example 2: Barchart with Increasing Order Let’s assume that we want to sort our barplot by the size of the bars. Then we can easily use thesort functionto order the factor levels according to the values of our bars: data2<-data# Replicate original datadata2$x<-factor(data2$x,# Fac...
cty_mpg$make <- factor(cty_mpg$make, levels = cty_mpg$make)# to retain the order in plot.head(cty_mpg,15) ## # A tibble: 15 x 2 ## make mileage ## <fct> <dbl> ## 1 lincoln 11.3 ## 2 land rover 11.5 ## 3 dodge 13.1 ...
这将创建一个堆叠条形图,其中每个group在x轴上对应一个条形,条形的高度表示对应的value值,不同的category通过不同的颜色进行区分。 要创建分组条形图,可以使用position参数来指定条形的位置。默认情况下,position参数为"stack",即堆叠条形图。如果将position参数设置为"dodge",则可以创建分组条形图。例如,以下代码将...
Sort the data bydoseandsuppcolumns. Asposition_stack()reverse the group order,suppcolumn should be sorted in descending order. Calculate the cumulative sum oflenfor eachdosecategory. Used as the y coordinates of labels. To put the label in the middle of the bars, we’ll usecumsum(len) -...
order = c("D2", "D1", "D0.5")) p4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # Change colors 更改填充色和边框色 # Change fill and outline color # add labels inside bars p5 <- ggbarplot(df, "dose", "len", fill = "steelblue", color = "...
ggplot(iris_gathered, aes(reorder(Species, value), value)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity') + facet_wrap(~ metric) As you can see above, the bars in the lastfacetisn’t ordered properly. This is a problem you wouldn’t forget had you plotted TF_IDF or something similar with facets. ...