‘B’),each = 26) value <- c(runif(26),runif(26, min = 1,max = 1.5)) df <- data.frame(year = year, type = type, value = value) ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, colour = type)) + geom_line()...
x="dose", y="len", color ="dose", palette ="jco", binwidth =1)#An ordered Bar plot(bp)bp <-ggbarplot(mtcars, x="name", y="mpg", fill="cyl",#change fill color by cylcolor="white",
value <- c(runif(26),runif(26, min = 1,max = 1.5), runif(26, min = 1.5,max = 2), runif(26, min = 2,max = 2.5)) df <- data.frame(year = year, type = type, value = value) ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = year, y = value, fill = type)) + geom_area(posit...
2data=data.frame(name=c("A","B","C","D","E") ,value=c(3,12,5,18,45)) 3# Barplot 4ggplot(data, aes(x=name, y=value)) + geom_bar(stat ="identity") 5#identity表示对数据不进行处理 当然如果比较喜欢水平方向的条形图,也可以利用coord_flip()调整方向。 1ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=as...
例如,如果有一个包含分类变量的数据框,可以使用R语言的order()函数对数据框进行排序,然后再使用GGPlot绘制图表。具体步骤如下: 使用order()函数对数据框进行排序,指定排序的变量和排序方式。 使用排序后的数据框创建GGPlot对象,并指定绘图的变量和其他参数。 使用适当的图形函数(如geom_bar()、geom_line()等)绘制...
ggbarplot(dfm, x = "name", y = "mpg", fill = "cyl", # change fill color by cyl color = "white", # Set bar border colors to white palette = "jco", # jco journal color palett. see ?ggpar sort.val = "desc", # Sort the value in dscending order sort.by.groups = FALSE, ...
order = c("D2", "D1", "D0.5")) p4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # Change colors 更改填充色和边框色 # Change fill and outline color # add labels inside bars p5 <- ggbarplot(df, "dose", "len", fill = "steelblue", color = "...
24式R入门作图必学之barplot条形图(一) 一、前言二、初阶图形2.1 基本条形图2.2 水平柱状图2.3 带图例的堆叠柱状图2.4 带图例的分组柱状图2.5 ggplot作图2.6 plotly作图三、进阶图形3.1 水平柱状图3.2 显著性柱状图...3.3 堆积百分比柱状图3.4 分组柱状图四、讨论一、前言柱状图又称条形图,在统计分析中的使用频率最高...
GGPlot Barplot Barplot(also known as Bar Graph or Column Graph) is used to show discrete, numerical comparisons across categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared and the other axis represents a discrete value scale....
ggbarplot()柱状图 ggline()线图 ggerrorplot()Visualizing Error 绘制误差棒图 ggerrorplot() 误差棒图 ggpie()饼图 ggdonutchart()甜甜圈饼图 ggdotchart()theme_cleveland()克利夫兰点图 # Load data data("mtcars") df <- mtcars df$cyl <- as.factor(df$cyl) df$name <- rownames(df) head(df[...