genesis 53:329–336, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.doi:10.1002/dvg.22853HiroyukiMiwaTakumiEraWiley-BlackwellgenesisMiwa H, Era T. Generation and characterization of PDGFRα- GFPCreERT2 knock-In mouse line. Genesis 2015; 53: 329-336 [PMID: 25884589 DOI: 10.1002/dvg.22853]...
A Knock-in Foxj1CreERT2::GFP mouse for recombination in epithelial cells with motile cilia 2014 . A Knock-in Foxj1(CreERT2::GFP) mouse for recombination in epithelial cells with motile cilia . Genesis 52 : 350 – 358 ... Nagendran,Muthusamy,Akshitha,... - 《Genesis》 被引量: 2发...
In this study, we generated an Lhx9-GFPCreERT2 (GCE) knock-in mouse line by knocking-in a GCE cassette at the Lhx9 locus, thus inactivating endogenous Lhx9. Lhx9GCE/+ mice were viable, fertile, and displayed no overt phenotypical characteristics. Lhx9GCE/GCE mice were all phenotypically...
1 (miR?1) on the development of osteoarthritis using human tissues and a Col2a1?Cre?ERT2/GFPfl/fl?RFP?miR?1 mouse model of osteoarthritis. Human cartilage tissues (n=20) were collected for reverse transcription?quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT?qPCR), histologi...
Elf5CreERT2GFPkidneylungmammary glandprostatesalivary glandElf5 is a transcription factor known to regulate critical developmental processes and has been shown to act as a tumour suppressor in multiple cancers. Elf5 knockout mice are embryonically lethal, limiting in vivo studies pertaining to its ...
In vivo MicroRNA-1 attenuates COL2A1-CRE-ERT2; GFPFL/FL-RFP-MIR-1 mice undergo surgery-induced osteoarthritis by down-regulating indian hedgehogdoi:10.1016/j.joca.2020.02.495P. LiX. CheElsevier BVOsteoarthritis and Cartilage
Elf5CreERT2‐GFPkidneylungmammary glandprostatesalivary glandElf5 is a transcription factor known to regulate critical developmental processes and has been shown to act as a tumor suppressor in multiple cancers. Elf5 knockout mice are embryonically lethal, limiting in vivo studies pertaining to its...