Performs a prefix search on the composite names of people in an address book and returns an array of persons that match the search criteria.Deprecated func ABAddressBookCreate() -> Unmanaged<ABAddressBook>! Creates a new address book object with data from the Address Book database.Deprecated ...
KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier KnownExpressRouteLinkAdminState KnownExpressRouteLinkConnectorType KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecCipher KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecSciState KnownExpressRoutePeeringState...
properties.destinationAddressPrefix string 目的地位址前置詞。 CIDR 或目的地IP範圍。 星號 『*』 也可以用來比對所有來源 IP。 您也可以使用默認標籤,例如 'VirtualNetwork'、'AzureLoadBalancer' 和 'Internet'。 properties.destinationAddressPrefixes string[] 目的地位址前置詞。 CIDR 或目的地IP範圍。 pro...
Performs a prefix search on the composite names of people in an address book and returns an array of persons that match the search criteria.Deprecated func ABAddressBookCreate() -> Unmanaged<ABAddressBook>! Creates a new address book object with data from the Address Book database.Dep...
KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier KnownExpressRouteLinkAdminState KnownExpressRouteLinkConnectorType KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecCipher KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecSciState KnownExpres...
One not-so-great idea would be to have the user “scan” the accessory’s printed MAC address for you using their eyeballs and fingers. The doc for NEHotspotConfiguration(ssidPrefix:) says the prefix must be 3 characters minimum, so you could get by with having them enter only the ...
swagger.jsoninstructs the app to look for the JSON file at the true root of the URL (plus the route prefix, if used). For example, usehttp://localhost:<port>/<route_prefix>/swagger/v1/swagger.jsoninstead ofhttp://localhost:<port>/<virtual_directory>/<route_prefix>/swagger/v1/...
gitcvs.dbuser, gitcvs.dbpass Database user and password. Only useful if setting gitcvs.dbdriver, since SQLite has no concept of database users and/or passwords. gitcvs.dbuser supports variable substitution (see git-cvsserver(1) for details). gitcvs.dbTableNamePrefix Database table name ...
{ "CloudWatchEncryptionEnabled": boolean, "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "string", "S3BucketName": "string", "S3EncryptionEnabled": boolean, "S3KeyPrefix": "string" }, "Logging": "string" } }, "DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy": [ { "Base": number, "CapacityProvider": "string", "Weight": ...
Jan 30 evening update: I spun up 2 brand new macOS VMs (mac1, mac2) completely isolated from each other and from the other systems involved in this bugreport. I did not do anything other than install Syncthing 1.27.2 on both of them, and connect them to each other. I created a new...