Set-CMGlobalConditionRegistryKey Set-CMGlobalConditionRegistryValue Set-CMGlobalConditionScript Set-CMGlobalConditionSqlQuery Set-CMGlobalConditionWqlQuery Set-CMGlobalConditionXPathQuery Set-CMHardwareRequirement Set-CMHierarchySetting Set-CMMacDeploymentType Set-CMMaintenanceWindow Set-CMManagementPoint Set-CM...
KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringAdvertisedPublicPrefixState KnownExpressRouteCircuitPeeringState KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuFamily KnownExpressRouteCircuitSkuTier KnownExpressRouteLinkAdminState KnownExpressRouteLinkConnectorType KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecCipher KnownExpressRouteLinkMacSecSciState KnownExpressRoutePeeringState...
properties.addressPrefix string 子網的位址前綴。 properties.addressPrefixes string[] 子網的位址前綴清單。 properties.applicationGatewayIPConfigurations ApplicationGatewayIPConfiguration[] 虛擬網路資源的應用程式閘道IP組態。 properties.defaultOutboundAccess boolean 將此屬性設定為 false,以停用子網中所有 VM ...
System Model Name: MacBook Pro npm config: ;"builtin" config from /opt/homebrew/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrcprefix="/opt/homebrew";"user" config from /Users/will/.npmrcregistry="";node bin location = /opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/21.7.1/bin/node;node version = v...
properties.publicIPPrefix SubResource The reference to the Public IP Prefix resource. properties.subnet Subnet The reference to the subnet resource. type string Type of the resource. zones string[] A list of availability zones denoting the IP allocated for the resource needs to come from. Gateway...
The package is available on theopenupmregistry. So you can install it via openupm-cli or manually using a scoped registry see documentation atopenupm. openupm add com.github-glitchenzo.nugetforunity Install as GIT dependency via Package Manager ...
{ "ContainerName": "string", "ContainerPort": number, "Port": number, "RegistryArn": "string" } ], "TaskDefinition": "string" }, "AwsEcsTask": { "ClusterArn": "string", "Containers": [ { "Image": "string", "MountPoints": [ { "ContainerPath": "string", "SourceVolume": "...
{ "ContainerName": "string", "ContainerPort": number, "Port": number, "RegistryArn": "string" } ], "TaskDefinition": "string" }, "AwsEcsTask": { "ClusterArn": "string", "Containers": [ { "Image": "string", "MountPoints": [ { "ContainerPath": "string", "SourceVolume": "...
mac-address: auto mac-prefix not specified mac-slot not specified vlan-id not specified priority not specified rxrings not specified txrings not specified mtu not specified maxbw not specified bwshare not specified rxfanout not specified
As package names differ accross distros, there will have to be a central registry for application names. Maybe some sort of namespacing (like a "vendor prefix") will be needed too? I also wonder how this protocol would work with third party repositories? If you still have to explain how...