Installing Homebrew on a new Mac is simple: just head, the Homebrew homepage. You'll find a command there you can copy to the Terminal in order to install Homebrew. (I am intentionally not putting the command here in case it changes—it is far better for you to get the com...
cd $CONDA_PREFIX/lib ln -s libtiff.6.dylib libtiff.5.dylib Additional Info Ran into these errors on Oct 7th, 2024 while trying to set up OG on my Macbook running Sonoma (14.6.1), with the M3 processor. The libtiff error can probably be resolved by updating the packing using libtiff...
First problem is telling CMake how to find my Boost installation. I use MacPorts (not Homebrew) for package management. The default MacPorts packageboostis version 1.76, which isn't good enough for ESBMC. So I installed portboost181. This puts Boost in/opt/local/libexec/boost/1.81(which...
$ tar -zxf git-2.8.0.tar.gz $ cd git-2.8.0 $ make configure $ ./configure --prefix=/usr $ make all doc info $ sudo make install install-doc install-html install-info After this is done, you can also get Git via Git itself for updates: ...
prefix, and then you can test how that plays out when specifying a file in Preferences of SAPGUI). The advantage of The Server Option is that you are doing what the majority of SAP users do – using the remote “One Source of Current Truth” file maintained on the organis...
docker::run { 'helloworld': image => 'base', detach => true, service_prefix => 'docker-', command => '/bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"', ports => ['4444', '4555'], expose => ['4666', '4777'], links => ['mysql:db'], net => ['my-...
From the Finder menu, choose 'Go | Go to Folder...', then enter '.wine' in the dialog that opens. (Notice the 'dot' prefix in this folder name.) 3 Navigate to 'drive_c\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA'. (If you chose to include support for 64 bit systems when you installed ...
I used that to convert the pyrobosim package and its only non-conda dependency astar to conda packages, but when I tried to install them in an environment, I discovered that the pyrobosim site-packages was installed directly in the prefix instead of in the correct place in Python. I am ...
After installation completion, information about the OFED installation, such as prefix, kernel version, and installation parameters can be retrieved by running the command /etc/infiniband/info. Most of the OFED components can be configured or reconfigured after the installation, by modifying the relevan...
Uncomment the url_prefix_static line: url_prefix_static = '/moin_static160' For a public installation, you'll normally want to forbid some of the more dangerous actions. Add a line like this to actions_excluded = ['AttachFile', 'DeletePage', 'RenamePage', ] ...