ue5中getactorforwardvector的意思 ue5中getactorforwardvector的意思是:获取当前对象的面朝的方向。
最常见的get controlled pawn是获取被player controller控制的pawn 至于如何设置player controller控制的pawn可以在game mode里设置,默认的pawn类就是玩家控制的pawn get actor forward vector(获取actor x轴所指向量) get actor right vector(获取actor y轴所指向量) get actor up vector(获取actor z轴所指向量) ...
ue.IE_PRESSED,self.you_pressed_K)self.uobject.bind_axis('MoveForward',self.move_forward)defmanage_overlap(self,me,other):ue.print_string('overlapping '+other.get_name())defyou_pressed
The sent input should now be {"SomeVector":{"x":1.0,"y":2.3,"z":4.3}} Special convenience case: UTexture2D A convenience function wraps a UTexture2D into a json object with {"pixels":[<1D array of pixels>], "size":{"x":<image width>,:"y":<image height>}} which you can ...
You can also interweave structs, even common unreal types so feel free to mix and match both of the above methods. In this particular example we interweave a 3D vector in a json object we defined. The sent input should now be{"SomeVector":{"x":1.0,"y":2.3,"z":4.3}} ...