📅 最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:48:43.536000 🧑 作者: Mango 如何在 C# 代码示例中发出哔哔声 C# 代码示例中的数组 代码示例5 Transform[]transforms=this.GetComponentsInChildren();foreach(Transformtintransforms){if(t.gameObject.name=="Child"){Debug.Log("Found "+t);}}...
报错原因:GetComponent操作应该在Unity的主线程内进行,最好的方式是在每一个Piece上面挂的piece脚本上挂一个meshrenderer component,避免在Update里面进行GetComponent操作,因为这样会产生较大的性能消耗。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Transform meeple; public GameObject grandChild; public void Example() { //Assigns the transform of the first child of the Game Object this script is attached to. meeple = this.gameObject.transform.GetChil...
很早以前就撸过一篇帖子,也是说这个的,但是那时候只是用最傻瓜化的直白的姿势. 新窗口模式,而且配置...
GameObjectUtility.GetUniqueNameForSibling public static string GetUniqueNameForSibling (Transform parent, string name); 参数 parent 新GameObject 的目标父级。Null 表示根级。 name 新GameObject 的请求名称。 返回 string 新GameObject 的唯一名称。 描述 可以在实例化一个新的同级之前或者在一个游戏对象与...
using UnityEngine; namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions { [ActionCategory(ActionCategory.GameObject)] [Tooltip("Gets the Child of a GameObject by Index.\nE.g., O to get the first child. HINT: Use this with an integer variable to iterate through children.")] ...
unity3d.com Version: 2022.3 语言: 中文 脚本API UnityEngine UnityEditor Unity OtherObjectChangeEventStream.GetChangeGameObjectParentEvent public void GetChangeGameObjectParentEvent (int eventIdx, out ChangeGameObjectParentEventArgs data); 参数 eventIdx The index of the event to get the data for. ...
unity SetSelectedGameObject有时候失效 unity set get 简单说一下属性和字段的区别:字段就是成员变量,而属性确实提供给外部访问内部成员变量的接口。之所以会有属性的出现,就是为了避免外部对类的成员的直接访问,通俗的说就是OOP中的封装思想。 using UnityEngine;...
{if(part.tag =="main")continue;if(part.gameObject.GetComponent("TearApartControl"))//通过<Transform>找到每一个chile gameobjectcontinue; part.gameObject.AddComponent("TearApartControl");//为每一个child gameobject附上相同的script} ...
For visualization purposes, add a Capsule object as a child object to root. Move the capsule one unit up, so that the root GameObject will have its pivot point at the capsule's base, the RichAI script assumes that the pivot is at the feet of the character. Take care that you remove ...