ggplot() + stat_summary(data = df, aes(x=y, y=0.5),, geom="boxplot", position="dodge2", orientation = "y") + geom_dotplot(data = df, aes(x=y)) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 但是,当将水平方向与胡须的自定义定义一起使用时,我收到以下错误: `$<
1.带误差线的箱形图 绘制箱型图用geom_boxplot函数。 geom_boxplot(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "boxplot", position = "dodge2", ..., outlier.colour = NULL, outlier.color = NULL, outlier.fill = NULL, outlier.shape = 19, outlier.size = 1.5, outlier.stroke = 0.5, outlier.a...
ggplot(mtcars,aes(cyl.f,mpg))+ stat_boxplot(aes(fill=am.f),geom="errorbar",width=0.1,size=0.5,position=position_dodge(0.6),color="blue")+ geom_boxplot(aes(fill=am.f), position=position_dodge(0.6), size=0.5, width=0.3, color="blue", outlier.color = "blue", outlier.fill = "re...
geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", ..., qs = c(.05, .25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95), na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) { layer( data = data, mapping = mapping, stat = StatBoxplotCustom, geom = geom, ...
An example of outlier.size = 0 in the position-jitterdodge.r code, lines 15-17, suggests to me that the problem is a regression bug (assuming the example was tested and had the expected output at the time). Below a reprex() using that example. library(ggplot2) set.seed(3) dsub <...
data=f, aes(fill= Condition), geom="boxplot", position="dodge")智能推荐Python基础(五) - 在Conda中更改源 简介 介绍一下在Python安装包的时候怎么能更改源,让下载速度提升。 这里介绍的是通过conda进行安装的更改源方法。 环境介绍 系统环境:Windows 10 Python版本:Python 3.5 必备环境:Anaconda已经安装 ...
position_dodge(0.9) geom_violin(position = pos) + fatten = NULL, position 浏览1提问于2022-09-29得票数 2 回答已采纳 3回答 带附加点的小提琴情节 、 melt(data.frame(matrix(rnorm(500),ncol=10))) geom_violin 浏览5提问于2017-02-25得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 geom_jitter点大于定义值的小提...
ggplot是一个用于数据可视化的R语言包,而ggplotly是一个用于将ggplot图形转换为交互式图形的R语言包。在ggplot中,geom_boxplot用于绘制箱线图,而它的宽度可以通过调整参数来自定义。 然而,当将ggplot图形转换为ggplotly图形时,自定义的geom_boxplot宽度可能不会被正确地转换和显示。这是因为ggplotly是基于plo...