geom_boxplot()函数用于箱线图的绘制,箱形图可显示连续变量的分布。它可视化了五个汇总统计量(中位数,两个铰链和两个胡须),以及所有单独的“离群”点。 用法: geom_boxplot( mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "boxplot", position = "dodge2", ..., outliers = TRUE, outlier.colour = NULL, ...
ggplot() + stat_summary(data = df, aes(x=y, y=0.5),, geom="boxplot", position="dodge2", orientation = "y") + geom_dotplot(data = df, aes(x=y)) Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 但是,当将水平方向与胡须的自定义定义一起使用时,我收到以下错误: `$<
1.带误差线的箱形图 绘制箱型图用geom_boxplot函数。 geom_boxplot(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, stat = "boxplot", position = "dodge2", ..., outlier.colour = NULL, outlier.color = NULL, outlier.fill = NULL, outlier.shape = 19, outlier.size = 1.5, outlier.stroke = 0.5, outlier.a...
ggplot(mtcars,aes(cyl.f,mpg))+ stat_boxplot(aes(fill=am.f),geom="errorbar",width=0.1,size=0.5,position=position_dodge(0.6),color="blue")+ geom_boxplot(aes(fill=am.f), position=position_dodge(0.6), size=0.5, width=0.3, color="blue", outlier.color = "blue", outlier.fill = "re...
position ="dodge", ..., coef =1.5, na.rm=FALSE, show.legend= NA, inherit.aes=TRUE) 我们可以看到geom_boxplot里面参数stat默认为"boxplot",stat_boxplot也有一个参数geom默认是"boxplot"。 2. 一些需要注意的点 我们先来看一看如下代码
stat_boxplot 使用的 coef 参数。这里定义了新的统计数据: # modified from library(ggplot2) stat_boxplot_custom <- function(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", ...
stat_boxplot(mapping = NULL, data = NULL, geom = "boxplot", position = "dodge", ..., coef = 1.5, na.rm = FALSE, show.legend = NA, inherit.aes = TRUE) 我们可以看到geom_boxplot里面参数stat默认为"boxplot",stat_boxplot也有一个参数geom默认是"boxplot"。
geom_boxplot(fill="cornflowerblue",color="black",notch=TRUE)+ geom_point(position="jitter",color="blue",alpha=.5)+ geom_rug(sides="l",color="black") #箱线图的填充色为cornflowerblue,边线颜色为"black",设置为有凹槽的箱线图 #散点图采取“jitter”,即抖动的形式,颜色为"blue",透明度50% ...
I usually overlay geom_point() with a jitter over geom_boxplot() and then hide the outliers so those points do not appear twice (the jitter means you can see both). Setting outlier.size = NA used to make them invisible, but since the update of doom, they still appear (and, oddly,...